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was as follows: The reef of the No. 2 level was driven on for a distance of 120 ft , where a break was met with arid the reef cut off. A drive was advanced in the No. 3 level on the reef which was composed of fair ore. At present a block is being stoped out for a distance of 300 ft in length. In the intermediate level a drive was constructed south for a distance of 242 ft on a reef 4 ft. wide. On the No. I reef, a heavily mineralized ore-body, stoping is being carried out tor a distance of 100 ft, The Battery level drive was extended a further distance of 220 ft the reef maintaining its size. Here a block of ore 110 ft. long is being stoped. In the low level the crosscut was extended a further distance of 878 ft., and when in a total distance of 2 645 ft the No. 2 reef was cut, and proved to be 9 ft. wide. Here in July last, a big flow of water having been struck, the water from the Battery level was drained. On the surface a new lode was located and the ground pegged off and applied for. Owing to the heavy swelling nature of the country repairs are constantly being carried out. I examined the mine during the year, and found it in good order An average of sixty-one men has been employed. I regret to state that on the 11th January, 1913, two men were killed by a fall of earth and rock in the stopes. Worksop Claim.— -This claim was formerly known as the Tararu Mines (Limited) The present owners are cleaning up and timbering an old drive, with a view to working a branch reef from which the former company procured some highly payable ore. There are two men employed' Monowai Mine.—The principal work in this mine was carried out at No 1 level where a large reef was intersected and driven on right and left for some distance, and subsequently stoped On the outcrop of the reef a landslip occurred, carrying portion of the reef matter with it From this slip a quantity of rich ore was picked. Later in the year work, was recommenced at No. 3 level, and the reef cut into at a point not previously tested. At this level, an air-compressor was installed for rock-drills I examined the y6ar ' and f ° Und [t in good order - From i' l22 tons of ore gold to the value ot os 4d. was won. An average of twelve men has been employed throughout the year Portia Special Quartz Claim.— Operations consisted chiefly of stoping on a small quartz leader about 3 in. wide, from which 11 tons of general ore was obtained, and returned £362 10s As further mining would necessitate the driving of a new low level, the claim was abandoned and the lease surrendered. During the early part of the year two men were employed. I examined the mine during the year, and found it in fair condition. Nonpariel Mine.— For the year the chief work has been stoping, rising, and sinking On the Wade reef a small block of ore was stoped out, stoping and rising were carried out on the Branch l ng , ° n th ? Liver P° ol B °y' s reef - 2 0 tons of ore was treated, for a return of £1,131 195., which may be considered as very satisfactory considering that only four men have been employed. I examined the mine during the year, and found it safe. Ventilation dull Ballarat Claim.— This claim, 1 acre in extent, which has been worked by the present manager i / s ? nle 7 ears > stlll continues to yield highly payable ore. For the year, 6 tons of ore and 80 lb. of picked stone was crushed, for a return of £382. For a short period of the year two men were ernp oyed. It is the intention of the owner to drive into a small quartz leader known as McCurdie's, from which he expects payable ore. Golden Drop'Mine.- -The owner alone works this claim, and has done a little prospecting during the year, but failed to locate anything of importance. No ore was crushed Gladstone Claim.— This claim is a small one of 3 acres, and was part of an area held by a mining company who put in several drives and located and worked a reef formation with varying results. The present owner and manager has cleaned up one of those old drives and a ext( f , g 1* a Sh ° rt dlstance > located an ore-body from which 23 tons of general ore with rj; ° f , pl ,«¥ d * m ?™ sel f ted and treated > returning 537 oz. 7 dwt. of bullion, in value £1 344 13s. 6d. Considering the results, and that only two men are employed, more vigorous methods of mining might be employed. 5 Little Nell Mine.—The present owner and manager has recently taken up this claim which has an area of 5 acres, and which was formerly part of a claim worked by a mining company some years ago, when several levels were driven on the then known line of reefs The present owner opened up one of those old drives, and has located a reef of about 2ft in thickness ' To transport the ore from the mine to the county road a wire tram (or flying-fox) has been erected and with a short tram-line easy access is established to and from the mine. During the year mS°L g6neral ° re and 18 ° lb ' ° f Pi ° ked St ° ne WaS treated ' for a ield of bullion in val "e Karaka Mine (Limited).— This company has gone into liquidation, and the fine windingengines air-compressor, and milling plant, &c, are being offered for sale. It is very regrettable to think that of a capital of £20,000 so much should have been spent on mining machinery and less than one-fifth of the amount on mine-development. This property still remains unproven fJV T\ resources. During the two years the company has driven 1,600 ft. and sunk 230 ft and cleared and retimbered 200 ft. of old drives. Several small leaders have been located from which some stone showing free gold has been secured. However, nothing of a payable nature was located. I examined the mine during the year, and found it in good order An average of twenty men was employed. h Occidental Mine.— At No. 4 (adit) level a crosscut was driven eastward from the old workings for a distance of 130 ft. to intersect the No. 2 reef. The drive was then continued northward on the line of reef for a distance of 50 ft. At the intersection of the reef and the crosscut a chamber has been excavated and a main shaft is being sunk, and has now reached a n denth of !20 ft " \ f" h ° ist at N °- 4 leVe1 ' and sink the *aft to ,i depth of 120 ft and drive on that level. Stoping, with satisfactory results, has been carried on between Nos. 4 and 5 levels on the No, 2 reef. On No. 2 reef a winze was sunk to a depth of

6—C. 2.