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SCHOOLS OP MINES. The attendance at the subsidized schools of mines at Waihi, Thames, Coromandel, Karangahake, Westport, and Reefton is still small. Only seventyeight students presented themselves at the annual Government examinations held at all the schools during 1913 ; of this number a considerable proportion were not bona fide mining students, but were scholars of the State schools and others who attended night classes at the school of mines to perfect themselves in some special subject. The expenditure by the Government upon schools of mines during the year ended the 31st March, 1914, amounted to £3,497 16s. 7d., and during the twenty-nine years since the schools were established it amounted to £31,404 18s. 2d. GOLD-MINERS' RELIEF FUND. This fund, which was inaugurated by the passing of the Mining Act Amendment Act, 1910. is still unfinancial, the credit balance on the 31st March last being only £428 4s. Bd., against unpaid claims amounting to over £500. During the year payments from the fund amounted to £4,640 35., and contributions thereto were £4,730 7s. sd. To put the fund in a better condition further legislation was passed during last session, and now claims on the fund are restricted to those on account of miners' disease. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. During the past year the survey of the Buller-Mokihinui ("Westport) Subdivision has been completed, and a detailed report upon the area, which has been written, will shortly be in the hands of the printer. The survey of the Reefton Subdivision has made good progress, and is now practically completed. In addition to their ordinary field-work, officers of the survey during 1913 and the early part of this year made visits to the Gisborne, East Cape, New Plymouth, Southern Hawke's Bay, Waikaka, Murchison, Motueka, Marlborough, North Canterbury, Waihao, and other districts. The Palseontological branch of the survey has done good work during the year. At present, however, work is to some extent suspended owing to the transference of Dr. Thomson, who was in charge, to the Dominion Museum. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY. The question of offering a bonus to assist in the development of the iron-ore resources of the Dominion has been considered, and it has been decided to introduce a Bill during the present session. The Bill is now being prepared, and will be submitted for consideration of honourable members in due course.