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Report on the Report of the Commission on Education (E.-12, 1912). (Vide 1.-13 B.) No. 440—Petition of Charles Evans ; and No. 441—Petition of Alice Evans. Praying that the present system of free, secular, and compulsory education be maintained. I am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make, as the question is one of policy. 9th December, 1913. Special Report. That the Education Committee desires to place on record its high appreciation of the manner in which the Chairman (Mr. G. M. Thomson) has presided over its deliberations, and tenders him a hearty vote of thanks for his services. This resolution to be recorded in the minutes of the Committee and be reported to the House. 9th December, 1913. Final Report. The Education Committee has during the session held 26 meetings, which members attended on the average of 7 at each meeting. The Committee has had before it for consideration the following : Ten petitions ; Parliamentary Paper No. 320 (E.-7a, 1912) —Report by Inspector-General of Schools on the University Colleges of New Zealand ; Parliamentary Paper E. -12, 1912 —Report of Education Commission : all of which have been reported on to the House. 10th December, 1913. Approximate Colt of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,400 copies), £2 10s.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l3.

Price 3d.]