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Appropriations for Government Accident Insurance Account


21—B, 7.


Item. 1913-14. Chargeable on the Government Accident Insurance Account. 1 £ £ VOTE No. 130. Salaries— Head Office — Commissioner (also Life Insurance, £900) ... Actuary (also Life Insurance, £850) Secretary and Deputy Commissioner (also Life Insurance, £850) Accountant (also Life Insurance, £505) Chief Clerk (also Life Insurance, £425) Assistant Actuary (also Life Insurance, £465) Office Examiner (also Life Insurance. £365) 4 Clerks: 1 at £10 (also Life Insurance, £340), 1 at £10 (also Life Insurance, £290), 1 at £25 (also Life Insurance, £280), 1 at £10 (also Life Insurance, £280) 100 25 25 25 25 25 15 : 55 295 , Local Offices — Wellington Agency— District Manager (also Life Insurance, £740) 25 Auckland Agency — District Manager (also Life Insurance, £395) 25 Christchurch Agency— District Manager (also Life Insurance, £465) Clerk (also Life Insurance, £285) 25 15 40 Dunedin Agency— District Manager (also Life Insurance, £315) Glerk (also Life Insurance, £255) 25 15 Wanganui AgencyResident Agent (also Life Insurance, £285) 40 15 Timaru Agency— Resident Agent (also Life Insurance, £235) 15 Oamaru Agency — District Manager (also Life Insurance, £205) 15 Invercargill Agency— District Manager (also Life Insurance, £350) 15 190