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Appropriations for Land for Settlements Account.


tern. 191 1-14. LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS EXPENSES—continued. VOTE No. 120— continued. Other Charges fob and incidental to — continued. Lands Department —continued. Roading, drainage, improvements, &c. — continued. Hetana— Grant for road-works ... 17 1.8 260 19 Kapua— Clearing outlet drain Kauroo Hill— Providing bridge at Raupo Crossing, Kakanui River (balance) Road access to Section 33a 25 390 15 20 21 Kurow— Widening and deepening water-channel (subsidy, £lfor£2) Lindsay— Drainage (subsidy, £1 for £1) Protective works to prevent encroachment Waipawa River Mahupuku— Access Road to Section 2, Block XIII, Hu20 300 100 22 87 angarua ... ... 28 24 25 MillsStraightening Hook River .. "... Normandale— Eradication of noxious weeds ... Ohakea— Protective works Opouriao— Protective works to prevent encroachment of Whakatane and Waimana Rivers 10 680 150 26 1,500 27 28 29 Otaio — Erection of groyne Otekaike— Irrigation Poerua — Protective works, Slatey Creek and Crooked) River (subsidy, £1 for £1), (£100) [' Partial formation and gravelling road (£50) ) Rewi — Clearing Tauhei Stream, contribution Tauhei Drainage Board 15 740 15 30 350 31 Ring way — Protective works to prevent encroachment of Aparima River (£1 for £1 subsidy) Spotswood — Clearing gorse, &c, on vacant sections Steward— Protective works, Awamoko Stream (including compensation for lands taken) River protective works to prevent encroachment on Section 43a (W. B. Allan) Subsidiary water-races (grant) Teasdale — Footpaths Te Arai— Drainage Tripp— Contribution towards erection of light stock-bridge Waikakahi— Protection against river encroachment (subsidy. £l'for£l) 43 82 13 33 298 100 500 3-1 1,000 35 50 30 50 i 37 20 38 Waimana — Protective works to prevent encroachment of river (general) ... 2,000