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In placing their opinions on the subject of naval defence before the House the Government are not thinking only of the present, or even of the immediate future, but of what may happen in years to come and the necessity of making preparation therefor. The British dominions in the Pacific should aim at nothing less than British naval supremacy for this hemisphere. It may take many years to bring it about, but more difficult tasks have been accomplished by people of the British race. The co-operation of the Imperial authorities with Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, the encouragement of the aspirations of these young countries by consulting them when possible with regard to Imperial defence matters, the pride of possession, the traditions of the past, are all factors which make for unity, strength, and nationhood, and which will in time give us the same position in the way of naval supremacy in these seas that is held by our kinsmen on the other side of the world. Wellington, 28th October, 1913.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l3.