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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services


tem.l 1913-14. SECONDARY AND HIGHER EDUCATION. £ £ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 j 14 I 15 16 ! 17 18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VOTE No. 81, Chaeges foe and incidental to — Conveyance of pupils District. High Schools: Salaries of secondary teachers ... Expenses first election members of High School Boards ... Grant in aid Delegates Secondary Schools Conference ... Grants to University Colleges : — For specialization, viz.— Auckland University College, Commerce, Mining Victoria College, Law and Science Canterbury College, Engineering Otago University, Mining, Medicine, Dental and Veterinary Science For addition to Statutory Grants, viz.— Auckland University College Victoria College Research Scholarships -. Including fees, material, apparatus, travelling-expenses, &c. ... ... Secondary Schools and Colleges : Capitation.. Scholarships for Maoris attending public schools Scholarships : Grants to Education Boards (Is. 6d. per unit of average attendance) . ... " Sir George Grey " Scholarships —One to each University College (Science) University Colleges: Bursaries ... University Colleges, subsidies on basis of £1 for £1 on voluntary contributions Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote 3 ,250 16 ,000 5 50 2,000 2 ,000 2,000 3,500 2 ,700 3 ,000 450 52 ,000 100 10,000 200 2,250 100 10 Less credits under sections 263 and 264 of the Land Act, 1908 99 ,615 12 ,670 Total—Vote No. 81 ... 86.9 86 ,945 MANUAL AND TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. 1913-14. Total number of offioers ... 3 1 VOTE No. 82. Salaeies — 2 Inspectors : 1 at £480, 1 at £420 Inspector of Agricultural Instruction, £420 (6 months) 900 210 1,110 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Othee Chaeges fob and incidental to — Capitation, School Classes Capitation (including free places), Technical and Continuation Classes Conveyance of instructors and students attending registered classes Conveyance of pupils Examination expenses Material, apparatus, and appliances Scholarships and Bursaries Specimens and examples of students' works Travelling expenses and allowances 28 ,000 37 ,000 2 ,500 4,000 750 2,250 750 25 300