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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services


em. "1 ; i : : tern. l I I — 1913HEAD OFFICE— continued. 1913-14. 14. VOTE No. 79— continued. Othee Charges fob and incidental to — £ 2 j Books of reference and publications ... ... 50 3 | Clerical assistance ... ... ... 300 4 j Fares of special messengers, cartage, freight, &c. .. 10 j 5 Office requisites, material, and equipment ... ... 200 6 Telephone subscriptions and expenses ... ... 100 7 Travelling expenses and allowances ... ... 500 8 | Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote ... ... 50 £ £ 50 300 10 200 ■ 100 500 £ 50 i iin . 1 ,210 1 ,210 Total—Vote No. 79 ... ... 12 12 ,652 12 ,652 Oo ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. 1913-14. Total number of offioers .. 4 VOTE No. 80. 1 Salaeies — 4 Medical Inspectors at £450... ... ... 1,800 I ,800 ■ Chaeoes foe and incidental to — Grants to Education Boards for the following purposes: — 2 i Teachers' Salaries : Including pupil-teachers' and probationers' allowances ... ... £679,000 Less revenue from reserves ... 58,000 621,000 3 4 5 ti 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 | General Administrative Purposes : Capitation on average attendance—152,000 at 12s. ... ... | 91,200. 4 Additional Grant of £250 per annum to Education Boards 3,250 5 j Relieving Teachers : Capitation on average attendance— 152,000 at 6d. ... ... ... 3,800 6 i Free text-books and materials... ... .. 200 7 Inspection of private schools ... ... I 600 8 School and class libraries .. ... ... ! 3,000 9 Conference of educational authorities ... ... 250 0 Conveyance of school-children and teachers, and allow- I ances for board of children who have to live away from home to attend school ... . . ! 10,000 .1 Educational Institute : Grant in aid Delegates'Conference ! 100 2 Freight ... ~ ... ... j 5 3 Illustrations, &c: Natural History, History oftheEmpire,&c. 400 4 Medical examination of teachers in special cases .. 5 5 Medical inspection: material, apparatus, forwarding charges, inspection, &c. ... ... .. 2,350 6 Preparation of standard test-questions in arithmetic and English and pupil-teacher examination papers 20 7 School Journal (contributors' fees, printing, material, apparatus, &c.) ... ... ... ; 2,400 8 Schools at Chatham Islands ... ... ... I 1,000 9 Travelling-expenses of Medical Inspectors ... ... 1 ,200 0 Wall-sheets for use in public schools (including maps) ... 200 1 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote ... ... < 50 16 17 18 19 20 21 741 ,030 Less credits under sections 263 and 264 of the Land Act, 1908 ... ... .. 25,341 '715 ,689 Less estimated credits under section 48 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910 ... ... 135 715 ,554 Total—Vote No. 80 ... ... | — 717 ,354