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No. 6.—Return of Fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1913.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Taylor and Oakley (Limited), Christchurch Wellington Woollen-manufacturing Company (Limited), Petone The Drury Fireclay, Brick, and Potteries (Limited), Drury Spouting William Faas ; 16 years 7th March, 1913 ; finger injured.. The cutter of the machine came down on Faas's finger. Kirkcaldie and Stains (Limited), Wellington Andersons Limited, Lyttelton The Taupo Totara Timber Company (Limited), Putaruru Woollen-mill Main counter-shaft Electric lift Main shaft Sawmill William Brown ; 35 years Job Milson ; 51 years Saul Garshook Charles Muschamp ; 32 years.. ! Ihaia Tees ; 27 years 18th March, 1913 ; foot injured .. 29th May, 1912 ; bruised internally 13th July, 1912 ; crushed 20th July, 1912 ; broken limbs .. 28th September, 1912 ; crushed . . A pulley slipped ofi the end of a shaft and struck Brown's foot, cutting it badly. Milson stood on a ladder to examine the centre bearing greasecup of the main counter-shaft. The ladder slipped and threw him against a pulley, which was clamped on the shaft by a strap with projecting lugs. These lugs caught the deceased's clothing, and he was wound round the revolving shaft. He was severely injured, and death occurred shortly after the accident. Garshook pulled the wrong control-rope, causing the lift to ascend. It caught him between the cage-floor and the top of the door, causing injury to his ribs, skull, and legs. Muschamp was standing on a ladder mending a belt when his clothing was caught by the revolving shafting. He was whirled round several times and instantaneously killed. Tees was attempting to put a belt on a pulley while the machinery was in motion, when his clothing was caught by the shafting, winding him round it. He was killed outright. Pudney was working in the engine-room near a revolving shaft, when his clothing was caught by it. He was carried round several times with the shafting, receiving such injuries as to cause death shortly after the accident. The child's dress was caught by the end of the crank-shaft and she was wound round it, causing such injuries that her death occurred an hour and a half afterwards. Nickels was caught in the machine while he was oiling it, and was fatally injured. In trying to put a belt on the engine while it was in motion McCullough' s legs were entangled in it. He was drawn round the shaft and received severe injuries to his head. Hanratty was caught between the cage-floor and the arch in the masonry of the lift-well, and was badly crushed in the abdomen, death being instantaneous. Thomas Ballinger and Co. (Limited), Wellington Shafting Arthur Pudney ; 37 years 31st October, 1912; internal injuries Warea Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited), Warea Refrigerating Margaret Mary Cochrane ; 2 years 23rd November, 1912 ; skull fractured Auckland Gas Company (Limited), Auckland D. T. McCullough, Staveley Coke-conveyor Thomas Nickels ; 24 years .. j 6th January, 1913 ; abdomen injured 11th January, 1913 ; head injured Oil-engine R. J. McCullough ; 24 years .. ! E. W. Mills and Co. (Limited), Wellington Electric goods-lift. . James Hanratty .. 5th February, 1913 ; crushed