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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services. CLASS XIII.—DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY— continued. l !H 1913-14 MISCELLANEOUS SERVlCES— continued. £ £ VOTE No. 76— continued. Chabges fob and incidental to — continued. Land for Settlements Account, Payment to, for capital value of reserves — 64 Allanholme ... ... ... 50 • 65 Avenel ... ... ... 28 66 Aylesbury .... ... ... 31 67 Clydebank ... ... ... 40 68 Douglas ... ... ... 135 69 Four Peaks ... ... ... 53 70 Fyvie ... ... ... 13 71 Kauroo Hill ... ... ... 65 72 Sherwood Downs ... ... 66 73 Stoke ... ... ... 100 74 Timaunga • ... ... ... 160 75 Winchester ... ... ... 90 76 Level crossing to give access to Section 255, Huirangi 14 77 Lochiel River Board (subsidy, £1 for £1)... ... 350 78 MacKenzie Country Runs : Roading to give access to (contribution to County Council) ... ... 1,144 79 Makarewa Hedgehope River Board (subsidy, £1 for £1) 250 80 Mangaroa Township: Formation of side streets (on account) .. ... ... 40 81 Matiere Township, drainage of ... ... 150 82 i Matiere Township, Taranaki: Felling and grassing ... 60 83 I Maungatawhiri River: Clearing willows ... ... 300 84 Mokotua Creek, Southland: Snagging and clearing (subsidy, £1 for £1) ... ... ... 50 85 Morven Hills : Run 238j, boring for water, fencing, regrassing, and building ... ... ... 1,500 86 Naval and Military Claims, Expenses in connection with ... ... ... 10 87 Naval and Military Claims (compensation)— H. Kelly ... ... ... 30 J. Flynn ... ... 50 D. H. Lusk ... ... . ... 300 H. White ..• ... ... 30 G. E. Sole ... ... ... 30 88 New River Harbour Endowment Sections, drainage of (subsidy of £1 for £1 up to) ... ... 150 89 Ngarahu Road : Formation ... ... ... 600 90 Nga-awa-purua Forest Reserve : River protection, roading, and fencing ... ... ... 375 91 Noxious weeds on Crown land, eradication of ... 3,000 92 Ohakune Extension No. 1, Township of: Formation of streets ... ... 230 93 Otautau River Board : River-bank protection (subsidy, £lfor£l) ... ... ... 235 94 Otautau Town Board: River-bank protection (subsidy, £lfor£l) - ... ... 76 95 Paraparaumu game-breeding station (subsidy) ... 100 96 Patea Reserves: Compensation to Natives in full satisfaction of claims ... ... ... 50 97 Patetonga South Road (access to Hauraki Plains) construction ... ... ... 275 98 Payment for Improvements on Pastoral Run 63, Auckland, resumed for subdivision ... ... 500 99 Payment to H. M. Crawford of amount of salary while waiting decision of commission of inquiry ... 31 100 Payment to Joshua Jones in connection with Mokau Land Claims (£2O per month) ... .... 80 101 Payment to Thos. Bell, of Sunday Island, to enable him to return to the Kermadec Islands ... ... 40