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Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. in s M 3 o H II! %%% "III I o It ■si Sec F—I Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. iMini bo! ins; Cr qu Class of cal , Certificate. <i 03 imui ir of e cit ■ew ] lires .rrlec ii N t'ollowisses of jaw reto be i I.; Bern arks a z s 5 Sybil Sylph (Hokianga) S)l ph (Kaipara) .. "Sylvia Tahawai Tabuna Taihoa Tainui (Auckland) Tainui (Tuakau) .. Tainui (Gt. Barrier) Takapuna Takitimo Talune .. "Tanfield Lea Tangaroa Tangihua Taniwha (Auckland) Taniwha (Timaru) Tarakihi Tarawera Tarewai.. Tasman.. "TauraDganui Taviuni l. 5 4 9 3 2 60 2 2 472 2 1370 3 110 20 191 5 4 8 9 14 8 4 24 6 6 165 5 255 12 70 15 40 Oil-engine Screw ! Restricted limits First survey. , Non-condensing Oil-engine ir River Restricted limits First survey. / First survey. ., 151 Compound Oilengine .. Home trade .. Restricted limit? *2 i First survey. 1,360 Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Home trade .. Restricted limits Foreign trade Restricted limits I Expended river River Extended river 6 <> 3 3 1,660 8 i> 3 3 First survey. Twin-screw First survey. 16 16 4 250 6 45 8 135 Non-condensing Compound Non-condensing Compound Oil-engine Quadruple-expan-sion Oil-engine tt 1269 11 37 3 974 1,503 198 River Home trade .. River Home trade .. Restricted limits Foreign irade 'k 2 6 2 3 3 First survey. 931 Screw 6 2 3 3 Tawera (Gisborne) Tawera (Hamilton) Tftwera (Mercer) .. Tβ Akau : .. ■Tβ Anau Te Aroha Te Aumiti Te Awhina Te Kooti : ■Te Kura Te Maika Te Pioneer 'Te Puke.Lass Tβ Pua Te Rangi TeRino.. Tetio : .. Te Wake Te Whaka Te Wharu Terawhiti Thelma (Kaipara) ■Thelma (Queenst'n) The Minerva The Peregrine Theresa Ward Thistle (Kaiapoi).. Thistle (Kaipara).. ■Thistle (Moana) .. Thistle (Wanganui) Thomas King Thornieroft Tikirau Tikiteri.. Tilikum.. Tofua Togo (Wanganui) Togo (Auckland) .. Toiler .. Tongariro Torea Toroa Tot Traveller Tuatea (Gisborne) Tuatea (Raglan) .. Tu Atu Tui (Hamilton) .. Tui (Hokianga) .. Tui (Nelson) Tui (Pipton) 44 2 j : 40 ! , H 8 7 250 85 10 99 5 7 10 18 15 10 6 5 3 5 45 90 4 5 14 52 95 5 5 4 90 16 6 20 8 13 355 14 12 I3i 8 60 : H I 16 S 8 ! 28 8 60 4i li 5 ii Extended river River .. | First survey. . 2 1028 57 8 2 2 2 5 25 3 3 2 4 1 3 140 3 47 1 3 20 .162 9 4 i 1 77 70 2 5 3 7 2634 1,238 Non-condensing Oilengine Compound Oil-engine Twin-sorew Restricted limits-: Home trade .. 's 2 3 2 3 First survey. 588 Triple-expansion Oil-engine River Home trade .. River Restricted limits 1 :*3 TugFirst survey. Compound Oil-engine Screw River Restricted limits First survey. i • Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Extended river Restrietedlimits Home trade .. Restrictedlirnits 2 3 First survey. Tug. First Survey. Compound Triple-expansion Extended river 473 Oil-engine Home trade .. Restricted limits 1 3 Tug. First survey. Home trade .. Restricted limits 2 First survey. Compound ., Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw First survey. • I '" 3,234 Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Compound Twin-sorew Foreign trade Elver 11 '<) 6 ■*8 5 28 4 24 1 6 Screw survey. • • . Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Restricted limits First survey. , I • * 58 4 30 2 1 1 1 ] J 232 Compound River Home trade .. Restricted limits 2 o Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Firs,t survey. fr First survey. eyed twice. • Surv. (