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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services


Item. 1913-14. STORES AND MAGAZINES, ARMS, EQUIPMENT, CLOTHING, ETC.— continued. 10 VOTE No. 65— continued. (g.) Medical Equipment and Veterinary Service Supplies, Medical Stores, Ambulance Stretchers, and all Equipment for Field Hospitals — Ambulance stretchers, £100 ; surgical haversacks, £100; tables, stretchers, &c, for field hospital, £100 ; refilling medicine chests, £100; refilling veterinary chests, £50; farriers chests and tools, £100; repairs and upkeep of medical stretchers, chests, &c, £50 600 11 (h.) Supply of Uniforms, Boots, Badges, &c, for Territorial Forces (including officers' outfit) — Great-coats, £4,500 ; jackets, £2,500; trousers, £5,525 ; pantaloons, £1,000; hats, puggarees, and badges, £1,000; caps, £775; putties, £750; boots, £3,250 19,300 12 Supply of Uniforms for Senior Cadets — Jackets, £2,000; shorts, £1,200; puttie hose, £200; hats, £S00 ; officers'outfit, £1,000 4,900 13 14 15 16 (i.) Other Charges for and incidental to — Aeroplanes and housing of same (on account) Components for wireless apparatus Insurance on buildings Labour, repairs, and additions to magazines, store buildings, and grounds, fuel, light, and water Purchase and engraving of medals Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote... 500 100 200 1,750 100 17 18 50 Less estimated credits under section 48 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910 72,950 4,000 Total —Vote No. 65 ... 68,950 77,777 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 66. Chaeges foe and incidental to — Advances t 0 Military Tournament Committee towards initial expenses of the annual Naval and Military Tournament Amount required to pay contribution due by New Zealand towards liability of Imperial Government for pensions of Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers while serving under engagement w ith the New Zealand Government, payments under the National Insurance Act (Great Britain) 1911, and contribution towards pension granted to Imperial Officer who contracted disease while serving with the Colonial Forces in South Africa Amount of £5 payable annually for each New Zealand member towards funds of King Edward's Horse Audit fees for inspection of accounts Compassionate allowance to widow of Gunner N. C. Barron Compassionate allowance to ex-Torpedoman Cornwall for injuries received at the Shelly Bay explosion, at 15s. per week 100 400 3 120 50 4 5 6 137 39