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Approprtauons for Consolidated Fund Services



Item. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1913-14. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 VOTE No. 61. Charges foe and incidental to — Additional pay for members of Permanent Force while acting as orderlies at Government House: 2 at £28 per annum Advertising and printing Allowance to officers of Public Service for losses sustained by floods at Gore Annuity to Lady Steward for services rendered by her late husband Sir William Jukes Steward Annuity to Mrs. Mackay, widow of Mr. James Mackay, ex-warden Assessment Courts under the Rating Act, 1908 Auckland Exhibition : Rent of space, charing, cleaning, Ac. Auckland Museum, subsidy (£1 for £1 up to £250) on the amount expended on Maori carvings Audit fees for inspection of accounts Bonus to J. A. Hurley, Bacteriologist, equivalent to difference between salary of £400 and £500 for four months Book on New Zealand birds ... Captain Cook Memorial (£1 for £1), (on account) Cleaning offices Commissions of Inquiry Compassionate allowance to widow of G. A. Cormack, Deputy Chief Electoral Officer Compassionate allowance to daughter of late H. Jones, Messenger, Dominion Museum Compassionate allowance to widow of A. Hamilton, Director of Dominion Museum Compassionate allowance to widow of Messenger Dickson Compassionate allowance to widow of late Major Mair, in recognition of his services during the Maori war.. Compensation to John Hunter on vacating cottage on Hector Observatory site Compensation to widow and parents of Hone Ngawhiro, who was killed by a fall of masonry from the Postoffice, Masterton, during an earthquake Compensation to A. Tuill, formerly taxidermist at Dominion Museum, on retirement Compensation to William Archer, formerly messenger, Colonial Secretary's Office, in respect of period 26th June, 1872, to 13th September, 1877 ... Contribution to Brussels International Customs Bureau for publication of Customs tariffs Contribution towards cost of revised Maori dictionary... Contribution to Veterans' Home, Auckland Contribution to Captain Scott Memorial Fund Contribution towards payment of minimum and additional retiring-allowance to messengers ... Contribution towards cost of erecting public hall at Tutakaka Coronation celebrations (subsidies to Local Bodies) Coronation arch in London, legal expenses in connection with Cost of acquiring land for roads under section 115 of the Public Works Act, 1908 Cost of entcrtaiuing visitors to the Dominion and of official functions Cost of preparing illustrations for " New Zealand Flora" Cost of transferring huia birds .. Cost of work to be done by Surveyor-General's Depart56 300 250 150 100 10 150 250 50 34 1,000 100 2,160 125 153 30 200 30 £ £ 19 20 250 21 30 100 22 150 2:S 50 24 100 26 500 500 25 20 27 28 29 169 30 si 30 450 32 12 33 50 34 35 36 600 500 100 50 ment