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In company with those engaged on this inquiry, I spent a most instructive day in inspecting the Mental Hospital, and especially the rooms and wards mentioned in the evidence. I was greatly impressed with the cleanliness of the huge building and its orderly appearance. We went all through the Hospital, visiting every part. A number of beds were taken haphazard and stripped. In every case the bedding was clean and sufficient. We saw the patients at dinner, and afterwards partook of a meal taken from the same dishes. There was abundance of food, which was well cooked and nutritious. We saw the new annex on the female side, and" were pleased with its light and cheerful appearance, which was in great contrast with the older parts of the Hospital. It shows much thought on the part of the designer. I have to express my appreciation of the valuable assistance afforded me during the inquiry by each of the counsel engaged, by Mr. T. H. Davey, M.P., and also by Miss Rout, the stenographer, the accuracy of whose reports was favourably commented upon by the counsel engaged. In my opinion the costs incurred by the Medical Officers should be paid by the Mental Hospitals Department, and I would recommend that any reasonable costs incurred by other parties be also paid. In conclusion, I think that the result of this inquiry, lengthy and exhaustive as it has been, should allay any fears that may have arisen in the public mind that patients are subjected to ill treatment in the Mental Hospital, as it has been fully shown that any cause of complaint on the part of patients or their friends arises not from any laches on the part of the Medical Officers or attendants, but from defects of the Hospital itself. Given under my hand and seal at Timaru, this 23rd day of October, 1913. Victor Grace Day, Commissioner.

MINUTES OF PKOCEBDINGS. Thursday, 25th September, 1913. —At 11 a.m. Commission opened. Mr. Day read Commission. Appearance of parties and their legal representatives. Evidence taken till 12.45 p.m. Luncheon adjournment, 12.45 to 2.15 p.m. 2.15 p.m., Commission resumed. Discussion re representation of Department. 2.25 p.m., Commission adjourned till 10.30 a.m. next day. Friday, 26th September, 1913. —10.30 a.m., Commission resumed. Department represented by Mr. Stringer. Evidence taken till 12.20 p.m. Luncheon adjournment, 12.20 to 2 p.m. Evidence taken, 2 till 4 p.m. Commission adjourned till 10.30 a.m., Monday, 29th September. Monday, 29th September, 1913. —10.30 a.m., Commission resumed. Evidence taken till 1.5 p.m. Luncheon adjournment, 1.5 till 2.30 p.m. Evidence taken, 2.30 to 4.15 p.m. Proceedings then adjourned till 11 a.m. next day at Sunnyside-Mental Hospital. Evidence to be resumed following day at 10.30 a.m. Tuesday, 30th September, 1913. —Commission inspected Mental Hospital. Wednesday, Ist October, 1913. —10.30 a.m., Commission resumed. Evidence taken till 1.5 p.m. Luncheon adjournment, 1.5 till 2.30 p.m. Evidence taken, 2.30 till 4.30 p.m. Proceedings adjourned till 10.30 a.m. next day. Thursday, 2nd October, 1913. —10.30 a.m., Commission resumed. Evidence taken till 12.35 p.m. Luncheon adjournment, 12.35 to 2.30 p.m. Evidence taken, 2.30 till 3.50 p.m. Commission ajourned till 10.30 a.m. next day. Friday, 3rd October, 1913. —10.30 a.m., Commission resumed. Evidence taken till 12.10 p.m., when proceedings were adjourned till 10.30 a.m., Thursday, 9th October, 1913. Thursday, 9th October, 1913. —10.30 a.m., Commission resumed. Evidence taken till 12.50 p.m. Luncheon adjournment, 12.50 to 2.30 p.m. Evidence taken from 2.30 to 5.5 p.m. Proceedings adjourned till 10.30 a.m. next day. Friday, 10th October, 1913. —10.30 a.m., Commission resumed. Counsels' addresses heard by Commission till 1.5 p.m. Luncheon adjournment, 1.5 to 2.30 p.m. Counsels' addresses, 2.30 to 4 p.m. (including addresses from Mr. Davey, M.P., and Dr. Hay, Inspector-General).

Authority : John Mickay, Government Printer Wellington.—l9l3.