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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


tern. 1913-14. AUDIT DEPARTMENT— continued. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VOTE No. 47— continued. Other Charges for and incidental to — Extra assistance for inspection and examination Freight, cartage, removal expenses, cleaning, fuel, lighting, telephones, and office equipment Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes Printing and stationery Rent of offices Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to other items of the vote £ 200 150 150 40 50 3,150 50 3,790 Less estimated credits under section 48 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910 (Audit Office fees) ... 19 ,320 8,750 • Total —Vote No. 47 ... 10 ,57' REGISTRAR-GENERAL'S OFFICE. 1913-14. Total number of offioers .. 126 VOTE No. 48. Salaries — Head Office — Registrar-General (also Chief Electoral Officer, £25) Government Statistician Deputy Registrar-General and Chief Clerk 9 Clerks : 1 at £315, 4 at, £220. 1 at £200. 1 at £190, 1 at £180, 1 at £135 6 Cadets : I at £107, 2 at £89, 3 at £79 2 Shorthand-writers and Typistes at £120 Messenger Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages for the several Registration Districts, — Auckland — Registrar of Births, Ac, and Vaccination Inspector (also Registrar of Electors, £26) Clerk and Deputv 2 Cadets : 1 at £99, 1 at £82 Wellington — Registrar of Births, Ac, and Vaccination Inspector (also Registrar of Electors, £26) Clerk and Deputy ... Cadet Christchurch — Registrar of Births, Ac, and Vaccination Inspector Clerk and Deputy Cadet Dunedin — Registrar of Births, Ac, and Vaccination Inspector (also Registrar of Electors, £26) ... Clerk and Deputy Cadet Registrars of Births, Ac, paid by fees only 335 220 181 500 405 360 1,900 522 240 150 3 335 210 84 330 226 108 345 210 66 2,400 Other Charges for and incidental to — Cash lost by burglary, Registrar's Office, Christchurch Cleaning, firing, lighting, freight, and carriage Collection of Statistics 9,127 6 7 8 18 200 350