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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.



Item. 1913-14. OFFICE OF MINISTER OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS. 1913-14. Total number of offioers .. 42 VOTE No. 44. Salaries— Under-Secretary Assistant Under-Secretary Chief Clerk Accountant (also Clerk in charge, Advertising Office, nil, also Accountant Electoral, £25) 9 Clerks: 1 at £405 (also Private Secretary, £25), 1 at £250, 1 at £245, 1 at £230, 1 at £210, 1 at £200, 3 at £180 Assistant Private Secretary at Government House 15 Shorthand-writers and Typists : 1 at £190. 2 at £180, 1 at £176, 1 at £156, l'at £120, 1 at £96, 1 at £96 (9 months) (including lodging-allowance), 1 at £96 (4 months), 3 at £84, I at £66, 1 at £48 (8 months), 1 at £48 (6 months) 2 Cadets : 1 at £89, 1 at £65 (including lodging-allow-ance) Messenger to Cabinet, Ac. Superannuation and Classification Boards — Secretary (also Secretary Government Officers' Guarantee Board) Accountant 2 Clerks: 1 at £200, 1 at £150 Shorthand and Typewriter Cadet £78, including lodging-allowance (9| months) Inspector of Fire Brigades Senior Officer Inland Fisheries (£170), (7 months) Clerk Inland Fisheries (£150), (5 months) . Government Astronomer (also Chief Computer, Lands and Survey, £315) Conservator of fresh-water fish and game ... £ 625 385 370 320 2 ,080 230 1,576 154 185 400 340 350 165 62 525 100 62 75 315 Less amount to be recovered from Public Service Superannuation Fund ... 8,319 847 Total —Vote No. 44 ... 7,472 MINISTERS' SECRETARIES 1913-14. Total number of offioers .. 12 VOTE No. 45. Salaeies — Secretary to Cabinet (also Clerk of Executive Council, £50) 11 Private Secretaries to Ministers at £25 each Additional salary to officer in classified department employed as Private Secretary (also £370) Extra classification allowance .. 550 275 105 275 Total —Vote No. 45 ... ... 1,205 MESSENGERS AND OFFICE-KEEPERS. 1913-14. Total number of offioers .'. 73 VOTE No. 46 Salaeies— Messengers — Officer in Charge (also Fire Inspector, £50 ; also Supervisor of Messengers, Government Life Insurance, £65) Office-keeper, Prime Minister's Office 290 210