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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


tern. 1913-14. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BRANCH. 1913-14. Total number of offioers .. 8 £, £ VOTE No. 41. Salaries— Director ... ... ... 650 Mining Geologist ... ... ... 34,5 Palaeontologist ... ... ... 345 2 Geologists: 1 at £280, 1 at £200 ... ... 480 Draughtsman ... ... ... 230 Cadet ... ... ... 100 Assistant Topographer ... ... ... 200 2,350 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Othee Chaeges foe and incidental to — Books and periodicals ... ... 50 Compensation and expenses under Workers' Compensation Act .. ... ... 100 Expert and temporary assistance ... ... i 400 Freight and cartage ... ... ... 50 Instruments ... ... ... 40 Instrument allowances ... 50 Office equipment, telephones, Ac. ... ... 50 Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes ... ... 50 Petrographical specimens and apparatus ... ... 50 Printing, lithographing, Ac. ... ... . 600 Travelling allowances and expenses ... ... 400 Tools, equipment, and field expenses .. ... 1 ,200 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote ... ... 50 3 ,090 Total—Vote No. 41 ... ... 5,440 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 VOTE No. 42. Chaeges for and incidental to — Advertising, books, newspapers, periodicals, and photos 100 Allowances to sufferers from pneumonoconiosis ... 400 Assistance towards prospecting ... ... 6,000 Assistance towards prospecting for minerals other than gold ... ... ... 100 Assistance towards races, drainage, and waterworks on goldfields ... ... " ... 500 Audit fees for inspection of accounts ... ... 300 Bonus for mineral oil ... ..,, ... 500 Compensation and expenses arising out of proclamation of rivers and resumption of land ... . 50 Compensation to J. Dillon, of Otama, for loss sustained in connection with certain water rights ... ... 100 Cost of Collecting Goldfields Revenue ... ... 50 Diamond and other drills and appliances (working-ex-penses only) ... ... ... 500 Expenses of Boards of Examiners, Mining and Coalmines Acts ... ... ... 400 Expenses of conference of Schools of Mines delegates .... 100 Expenses of Mining Court, Auckland Exhibition ... 1 ,000 Expenses of testing mining claims .. ... 50 Extinguishing burning coal-seams ... ... 20 Expert and temporary assistance, wages, Ac. ... 300 Field surveys and expenses ... ... ... 20 Fuel, light, water, freight, and cartage ... ... 50 100 400 6,000 100 500 300 500 50 10 11 100 50 12 500 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 400 100 1,000 50 20 300 20 50