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No. 15. The Manager in the Pacific, Pacific Cable Board, Sydney, to the Secretary, General Post Office. Wellington. Sir- Dixson's Buildings, 64 Pitt Street, Sydney, 14th December, 1912. In confirmation of my telegram of to-day's date. I beg to inform you that I am directed by the Pacific Cable Board to submit for your approval and favour of urgent reply as to whether they will be adopted by your Government the attached memorandum of details [see No. 14] concerning the introduction of a scheme for week-end telegrams between Australasia and the United Kingdom. I understand communications have already been exchanged between your Government and mv Boa d, in which the general principles of the scheme and the division of rates have been agreed to. You will observe from the memorandum that the date proposed for the introduction of the scheme is the Ist January next, and in order that the particulars may be communicated to the public well in advance of that date, I should esteem it a favour if you would kindly signify to mc your consent to its adoption by telegraph as soon as possible. I have, &c, J. Mil. WARD, The Secretary, General Post Office. Wellington, Manager in the Pacific. [P.C. Rates 13 71.]

No. 16. The Secretary, General Post Office. Wellington, to the Manager in the Pacific, Pacific Cable Board. Sydney. (Telegram.) Wellington, 19th December, 11*12. WEEK-END cable messages : Conditions agreed to. [P.O. Rates 13/64.]

No. 17. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Manager in Australasia. Eastern Extension Company. Adelaide. (Telegram.) Wellington, 19th December, 1912. Week-end cable messages: Conditions agreed to. except thai on messages posted to or from cableoffices in New Zealand postage must be paid. In the direction from cable-offices, it must tic collected by originating office; in the direction to cable-offices, from the sender. | P.C. Rates 13/64.]

No. 18. The Manager in the Pacific, Pacific (able Board. Sydney, to the Secretary, General Post Office. Wellington. Sir, — Dixson's Buildings, 64 Pitt Street. Sydney. 21st December, 1912. Referring to my communication, I have the honour to forward herewith copy of the revised conditions [see No. 14j determined upon for week-end letters. The detail of official prefixes for determining the classification of these cablegrams and the differing treatment desired to lie made at the terminal cable-office has not yet been decided upon. I pa ye. &C, .1. Mil WARD. The Secretary, General Post Office. Wellington. Manager in the Pacific. [P.C. Rates 13/81.]

No. 19". The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Manager in the Pacific, Pacific Cable Board, Sydney. (Telegram.) Wellington, 30th December, 1912. Week-end cable-letters : Officers have been instructed accept as from Ist proximo. Please advise definitely whether introduction to be postponed. It is not clear why New Zealand should wait Australia's acceptance. [P.C. Hates 13/82.] mmm^___^^_

No. 20. The Manager in the Pacific, Pacific Cable Board (at Auckland), to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Auckland, 30th December, 1912. Re week-end letters : see no reason why introduction to and from New Zealand should be delayed. Am telegraphing London to-day informing Board that, unless otherwise instructed, will be introduced New Zealand Ist January. Am also asking what prefix or official instructions have been decided on to identify rate at which messages have been accepted, and also to distinguish those to be delivered by post from those to be telegraphed to destination. [P.C. Kates 13/83.]