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We observed the announcement in the Press that this mail arrived seven days late ; and, as the public might infer that this was due to a late arrival at San Francisco, might we suggest that in instances where due delivery has been made at that point this might be mentioned in the information given to the Press, otherwise the delay reported may cause reflection on the steamship service. I have, &c, R. McK. McLennan, The Secretary, General Post Oflice, Wellington. For General Manager. [P.O. 12/1090(1).] __^___^_________

No. 4. The Secretary, Wellington Chamber of Commerce, Wellington, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. Bib, — Wellington Chamber of Commerce, Wellington, 26th April, 1912. By direction of my President, I am forwarding to you extract from the Evening Post of the 25th instant, which has been brought under his notice. It is there pointed out that the steamer carrying the outward San Francisco mail is leaving on the same day as the inward steamer is due. Complaint is made that merchants will have to wait until the next San Francisco steamer before they could, execute orders. My Chamber is, of course, aware that the present arrangement is that the San Francisco and Vancouver services provide for what is practically a fortnightly service from New Zealand. I am requested to ask if you would favour mc with any comments you have to make relative to the matter. Yours, &c, H. D. Vickery, Secretary. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. [Wn.-S.F. 12/89.] '

Enclosure in No. 4 [News extract, 25th April, 1912.—Letter to Editor.] " To-morrow the s.s. ' Aorangi/ with outward San Francisco mails, leaves Wellington at 5 p.m., and the s.s. ' Tahiti,' with the inward San Francisco mail, is due here at 6 p.m. Last month the inward steamer arrived the day after the outward steamer left. Under the old time-table, before the steamer went on to Sydney, the steamer left on the return trip a week after it.s arrival here. Thus shippers were given a week in which to execute orders received by that boat ; but now it is a month before these orders can be shipped. 1 believe the large subsidy was given to the Union Steam Ship Company (Limited) for the purpose of securing a service between Wellington and San Francisco for the benefit of New Zealand. Of course, Ido not know if our Government agreed to the extension of the service to Sydney, but the fact remains that we are subsidizing a service which at present i.s of very little use to New Zealand, and appears to be run solely for the benefit of Sydney merchants. This is a matter which our Chamber of Commerce should take up energetically, and I hope they will approach the Union Steam Ship Company (Limited) and the Government immediately. I think you will agree with mc, sir, that the present time-table is ridiculous, and trust you will give the matter some prominence, as it vitally affects the increasing trade with the west coast of America."

No. 5. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Secretary, Wellington Chamber of Commerce, Wellingt on. Sir,— General Post Office, Wellington, 30th April, 1912. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th instant, on the subject of the time-table of the San Francisco mail-service. So far as can be seen at present, it would not be possible, in view of the necessity of maintaining a fortnightly service and making a close connection with the fast steamers across the Atlantic, to alter the time-table for either the Vancouver or the San Francisco mail. Apart from this, I understand that any alteration would be to the disadvantage of the New Zealand-Canadian trade. T am, however, making inquiries, and will be able to reply more precisely in the course of a few days. I have, &c, W. R. Morris, The Secretary, Wellington Chamber of Commerce, Wellington. For Secretary. [Wn.-S.F. 12/96.]

No. 6. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the General Manager, Union Steam Ship Company, Dunedin. Sir,— General Post Office, Wellington, 30th April, 1912. The Wellington Chamber of Commerce is voicing a complaint that the steamer carrying the outward San Francisco mail leaves on the same day that the inward steamer is due. It is said that merchants complain that they have to wait for the following steamer before they can execute orders.