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General Post OflBce, Wellington, 18th April, 1913. E. Heaton Ehodkr, Postmaster-General. Audited and found correct.— Robert J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. 9th June, 1913.

Balance-sheet of the New Zealand Post Office Account for the Year ended 31st December, 19l2— continued.

Approximati Colt o) Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,350 copies), £8.

By Authority : John Mackav, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9lft. Price, Sd. :


Balances on 1st January, 1912. Transactions. Balances on 31st December, 1912. General Accounts — continued. Foreign Mail Settlement Account .. Miscellaneous expenses Discount stamps For other Departments :— Advances to Settlers Arms Act licenses Audit fees Clerks of Court County Clerks Customs dues (H.M.C.) Customs duty (parcels) Education Department Electoral receipts Factories Act Fishing licenses Game licenses Goldfields revenue Government Insurance Government Printer Homing-pigeons Protection Act Imperial pensions Income-tax Land-tax Licensing Act Machinery Marine light dues Military Pensions Mining Act National Provident Fund receipts .. New Zealand Consols Old-age pensions .. ., Miscellaneous Public Trust „ Service Superannuation Registration of births, &c. Rents Sanatorium, Hanmer Springs Stock Department Valuation revenue Widows Pensions Miscellaneous revenue Suspense Account Profit and loss Cr. Dr. £ s. <1. £ s. d. Or. Dr. I Cr. Dr. 33,871 1!) 4 2,056 8 0 28,875 18 8 3 0 0 4 <; 8 10 12 0 £ s. (1. £ s. d. 17,655 7 4 17,655 7 4 1.543.020 18 5 1.519.023 2 11 960 0 0 1,019 9 0 £ s. d. £ 57,869 14 10 1,996 19 0 s. d 13 lie '.'. 7,112 13 6 0 8 0 41 17 6 '.'. 7 0 6 1,979 7 2 16 9 6,718 18 5 155 14 6 2,183 3 10 2,656.116 5 8 2,672. r>78 18 7 179 0 0 178 0 0 5 6 8 9 13 4 187 13 4 114 18 2 266 16 9 180 16 2 1,176 1 4 1,111 6 8 77,311 14 9 76,266 0 6 10 0 10 0 2 8 0 2 16 0 46 14 0 46 14 0 1.180 2 6 1,110 0 0 3,876 16 0 3,876 16 0 130 13 8 123 11 1 29,490 5 6 30,110 13 10 15 9 6 16 15 3 0 10 0 10 28,750 18 10 28.550 18 9 277.529 11 1 277,655 0 0 54.!. 739 10 9 495.255 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 !t.!K)l 7 6 9,555 15 0 104 13 2 99 19 10 I .500 0 0 206 ."> 0 175 15 0 236 10 0 5,381 13 4 5,441 17 7 2,120 0 0 2,120 0 0 416. ;>00 0 0 413,530 5 0 1 11 8 1 11 8 958,745 !) 8 975,877 10 11 100,839 19 10 99,674 6 7 2,723 4 0 2,653 1 6 .504 5 10 298 19 8 2.295 2 9 2,166 11 7 283 15 0 288 5 0 6,096 6 8 6,285 1 2 20.800 0 0 18,527 5 9 26 1 4 24 10 3 12.413 5 9 4 0 0 33 7 2 86 1 7 78 6 2 8,158 7 9 iJ2 0 0 14 3 1 1,358 18 10 0 10 6,918 18 6 30 5 7 50,667 14 7 615 7 6 '.'. 0 3 4 961 0 0 4 16 8 1,293 15 0 366 10 0 182 13 11 427 5 0 '.'. 242 18 2 26,867 8 8 29,837 3 8 41,420 18 2 24,288 16 11 1,165 13 3 305 18 0 8 10 4 266 15 3 235 16 6 3 4 2 138 4 1 4 10 0 238 5 0 49 10 6 2,272 14 3 1 11 1 2 10 283,157 14 5 2 10 .'. 259,769 15 6 729.011 2 2 705,623 3 3 Totals 16,442,961 11 2 16.442. OR] 11 2 16.442.061 11 2 65,74r». 961 8 i>. I 65.745,961 8 2\ 17,368,462 19 0£ 17,368,462 19 0J