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Clause 25, Senior Division : At the end of paragraph 2 these words were added : " Provided further that girls who take needlework and one of the last-named subjects need not take elementary science." Clause 25 (1), English (a) : The word " more," in line 3, was deleted, and " shall be given " substituted for " may begin," in line 4. (b.) Reading: Line 1, the word " three " was substituted for " two." At 4.30 p.m. the Conference resolved to sit until 5 p.m. (6.) Reading: The words "one may be a miscellaneous reader" inserted after "School Journal," in line 2. (b.) The words " with knowledge . . . as of sentences " were deleted. (c.) (i.) : Paragraph 2 omitted. The Conference resolved to resume at 9 a.m. on Saturday morning. The Committee reported progress, and asked leave to sit again. The Conference adjourned at 5 p.m.

15th February, 1913. The Conference resumed at 9 a.m. The minutes of the preceding day's proceedings were read and confirmed. A letter was read from Pathe' Freres, offering to give a demonstration of their pathescope. It was decided to defer consideration till later in the morning. The Conference resolved itself into committee for further consideration of syllabus. Carried on the voices : That it is desirable that the instruction in vulgar and decimal fractions proceed by easy stages throughout the Senior Division. After the "handwork," in line 6, page 22, it was decided that in connexion with Senior Division arithmetic the following be added to the paragraph on arithmetic : " The use of graphs and graphical methods in the Senior Division should be encouraged, especially in connexion with the teaching of area, vulgar and decimal fractions, and problems generally, so that the pupils may early learn to think in terms of space." (2.) Arithmetic — (d) Fourth Year (Standard VI) : After the word " discount," in line (i, page 15, the words " but not banker's discount " were added. After the word "planes," in line 11, page 15, the words " and of a cylinder " were added. After the word "generally," add the words " including algebraical and graphic methods." (3.) Drawing and Handwork — (i), (a) : The word " and," in line 1, was cut out, and the words " chalk " inserted before " pencil," and " or " after it. (c.) To be added after word " views " : " Provided that this clause shall not apply to girls in Standard VI taking a course of domestic science." (4.) Nature-study and Elementary Science: hine 1, the word "should " altered to "shall." (5.) Geography : hine 1, " should " altered to " shall." (6.) History and Civics : hine 1, " should " altered to " shall." Third and Fourth Years : " Japan " cut out, and " the Pacific littoral " inserted. It was decided that the programme in singing should be modified on the lines of Mr. Owen's memorandum. Needlework : " That the syllabus of needlework be revised in accordance with modern ideas " was carried on the voices. Clause 37. Health : Line 1, " should " altered to " shall." Clause 38. Singing : As recommended previously (clause 25, 8). The principle of an Appendix to the Syllabus was approved unanimously. That the Chairman do report the regulations, as amended, to the Conference.—Carried. The Chairman reported to Conference the regulations as amended in committee. The Conference adopted the regulations as amended in committee. It was decided to accept invitation of Pathe Freres at 2.30 this afternoon. Mr. Garlick attended, and answered questions relating to physical training. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. Garlick. It was decided by Conference to sit till 1 p.m. Mr. Bakewcll was allowed to withdraw his motion, notice of which had been given. The Conference decided to adjourn till 7.30 p.m. The Conference resumed at 7.30 p.m. Mr. Braik moved, and it was resolved, That in order to give continuity to the work of this Conference, a Standing Committee of five members be appointed at each triennial meeting to meet annually under the auspices of the Department for the consideration of questions bearing on primary education. Mr. Braik moved the suspension of standing orders, in order to recommit the motion above. —Agreed to. Mr. Braik's motion above was recommitted, and the word "five" altered to "six." Mr. Braik moved, That the Standing Committee consist of Messrs. Mulgan, Fleming, Brock. Richardson, Harkness, and the mover. —Carried, It was decided to proceed to the other orders of the day. Scholarship (Committee's Report. 1. This committee is of opinion : (a.) That the element of competition should be abolished from the tests employed to select holders of free places at secondary schools, district high schools, and technical day schools, so that all who reach a standard of attainment to be subsequently

2—B. 12.