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Girls' High School Capital Account. Receipts. £ ». d. Expenditur'. £ s. d. Balance. Ist January. 1912 .. 5,002 8 1 Balanoe, 31st December, 1913 .. .. 5,002 8 1 £5,002 8 1 £5,002 8 I Balance, Ist January, 1913 .. .. £5,002 8 1 School ov Art Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance, Ist January. 1912 .. 743 1 8 Salaries .. 1.666 13 4 Students'fees .. .. .. 411 17 0 Instructing pupils of Boys' High School in Grant from North Canterbury Board of woodwork and drawing 100 0 0 Education for instruction in drawing .. 90 0 0 I Contribution towards expenses of RegisGovernment capitation for technical classes 1.190 17 7 trar's office .. .. .. .. 80 0 0 Government capitation for free places .. 151 9 9 Contribution towards travelling-expenses of Government grant for material .. 53 17 2 members of the Board of Governors 416 5 Government grant for furniture, fittings, and InsnranceJ .. 16 8 0 apparatus .. .. .. 37 1 4 Gas .. .. .. .. .. 72 2 11 I irant from Museum, Library, ami School of Repairs .. 14 12 9 Technical Science Endowment .. 400 0 0 Advertising .. .. .. .. 21 16 8 Contribution from Boys' High School for Printing, stationery, &c. .. .. 37 19 6 instructing pupils in drawing ami wood- l-'nel .. .. .. .. .. 17 5 9 work . . . . . . . . 120 0 0 Ceneral expenses, viz.— Contributions from students of life classes Expenses of speeoh night and exhibition.. S <i II towards oost of model .. .. 813 4 Requisites for classes.. .. .. 8 6 0 Interest .. >. .. .. 16 16 4 Washing, cleaning, and appliances .. 216 3 Grant to sports fund .. 3 3 0 Fittings .. .. 9 7 0 Concrete bridge .. .. .. 2 7 0 Sundries .. 8 6 10 Apparatus .. .. .. 18 2 0 Subsidy to life classes .. 75 0 0 Books for school library .. .. 34 15 6 Material .. .. 33 6 4 Grant to still-life classes .. 21 14 7 Telephone .. .. 5 5 0 Official postage-stamps . . . . 5 0 0 Scholarships .. .. .. 60 0 o Grant for prizes .. .. 14 8 2 Alteration to gaslittings .. .. 66 14 - Typewriter .. .. .. 16 0 0 Painting exterior of buildings .. .. 14 v v Half-share of oost of exhibit at Art Gallery.. 6 8 9 Balance .. .. .. .. 790 14 4 £3,221 16 2 £3,221 16 2 Balanoe, Ist January, 1918 .. .. £790 14 4 Museum Account. Receipts. £ s. d. | Expenditure. £ s. d. Contribution from Museum, Library, and Balance. Ist January. 1912 .. .. 77 15 6 School of Technical Science Kn.lowmeiil 1,600 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. 1,116 4 2 Sale of guide-books .. .. .. 317 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 41 7 4 Sale of post-cards (whale) . . . . 2 5 1 Contribution towards expenses of RegisSale of Museum records .. .. 0 6 11 trar's Office .. 30 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 2 4 5 j Contribution towards travelling-expenses of Balanoe .. •■ •• 173 4 6 members of the Board of Governors .. 416 5 Repairs (including £171 14s. for renewing timbers affected with borer and dry rot) -<i 2 Hi 6 < 'uses and fittings .. .. 26 8 6 Taxidermists' requisites .. .. 22 4 !i Books and binding .. .. ■• 18 18.10 Purchase of specimens, and freight and charges .. .. .. 100 1 I Fuel .. .. .. .. • • 3 3 6 General expenses, viz. :— Printing and stationery .. .. 719 0 ( Subscription to telephone • .. .. 5 5 0 Fittings .. .. .. .. 5 4 6 Typewriter .. .. .. 8 0 0 Sundries .. .. .. I 13 1 Publication of Museum records .. .. 45 0 0 Guide-book sinking fund .. .. 10 0 0 Labour at grounds .. .. •• 5 12 0 Biographical and historical collection (expenses connected with) .. .. 2 19 Curator's petty cash .. .. 12 0 0 Restoring and remounting pictures 26 5 9 Subsidy towards " Hutton Memorial Portrait " 10 0 0 aTrei it w "-re* " 10 Balance. Ist January. 1913 .. .. £173 4 5