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Mr. T. Cane finally left the school in December, 1911, and Mr. R. H. Biggar, a senior scholar ol New Zealand University, filled the vacancy. The gymnasium and the cadets were both placed under Lieutenant. Hoar, and this arrangement will prove satisfactory. A school suit has been adopted ; and most boys will soon be wearing it. The cadets have adopted the new Government uniform, which, with the school colours on hat and stockings, looks smart and workmanlike. Teams from the cadets won the Snow Shield and the Ferguson Cup. Shooting has been taken up keenly. An Old Boys' Association has. been founded and has been warmly taken up ; there are now some 450 members. A home-work time-table to be initialled each evening by parents has been adopted this year. It is hoped that by this parents will be able to better co-operate with masters, and masters avoid mistakes in judging of boys' work. As by the new Matriculation and Junior Civil Service Regulations, practical physics became compulsory on all boys taking science, it was imperative to build two new laboratories. An addition was accordingly planned for the school, which will give us these, and will also greatly improve the present school by giving us better access to the present western wing, more cloak-room accommodation, more locker room, better heating, better lighting for the basement, a monitor's room, &c. The contract, for £4,600, has just been let. C. E. Bevan-Brown. 2. Work of the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. —Latin —Livy, Book XXI ; Horace, Odes. Book 111 ; Virgil, Aeneid, IV; Myths and Legends of Ancient Rome ; Bradley's Arnold ; Bradley's Aids to Latin Prose : Kennedy's Revised Latin Primer ; Gepp and Haigh's Latin Dictionary ; Robinson's First History of the Romans ; Rivingtoil's Class-book of Latin, Unseen, Book VIII ; Everyman's Library Atlas of Ancient Geography; iro, Select Letters (Jeans); Primer of Roman Antiquities. English—Julius Caesar; Palgraves' Golden Treasury; Nesfield's Aids to the Study and Composition of English ; Nesfield's Historical English ; Epochs English Literature (Arnold), Vol. IV, V, VI ; Sesame and Lilies. French —Advanced French Composition, Duhamel; Longmans' Advanced French Unseen ; French Grammar (Moriarty) ; Moliere, Le Misanthrope ; L'Abbe Daniel (Theuriet) ; Siepmann's Advanced French Series ; also Word and Phrase Book. Mathematics—Borchardt and Perrot's Trigonometry ; Baker and Bourne's Algebra; Elements of Mechanics of Solids and Fluids (Arnold); Hall and Stevens's School Geometry, Parts I-VI. Hogben's Trigonometry Tables; Pendlebury's Arithmetic; Ward's Trigonometry Papers. Science—Tutorial Chemistry (Non-metals) (Bailey) ; Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (Theoretical) (Bailey); Synopsis of Non-metallic Chemistry (Briggs). The work is to the standard of the Junior University Scholarship Examination. Lowest. —Latin —Beginner's Latin Book (Collar and Daniell) ; Shorter Latin Primer (to end of anomalous verbs) ; Robinson's First History of Romans (to beginning of Punic Wars). English— The Cloister and the Hearth (J. Connolly) ; Nesfield's Outlines of English Grammar ; The Boy's Book of Poetry, Part 111. Senior ; parsing notes and analysis ; compositions; derivations; also one of the sixpenny editions on page 30 of the prospectus to be read at home per term. History—Tout's History Book 11. French —Arnold's Modern French, Book I ; Le Francais Chez lvi (Hodges and Powell). Mathematics —Hall and Stevens's School Geometry, Parts 1-1 V ; Baker and Bourne's Elementary Algebra, Revised Edition. Part 1; Baker and Bourne's Public School Arithmetic (Bell). Science — Notes on Elementary Chemistry (Russell). Art—Freehand and designing in colour ; drawing to scale lines, circles, and construction of similar figures. Geography —Young's Rational Geography. Part II ; Atlas of British Empire ; Southern Cross Geography, Section IV. This class is in three grades : the lowest, lIIc, do work in English and arithmetic of the Six! h proficiency standard, in addition to beginning Latin and French and geometry ; lIIa and Il.lis do a first-year course preparatory to the Senior Free Place Examination; lIIb, lIIc have writing-lessons, and about one-half have singing-lessons. Geo. H. Mason. Registrar.

CHRISTCHURCH GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL. Staff. Miss M. V. Gibson, .M.A. ; Mies C. K. Henderson, 8.A.; Miss M. Bell-Hay; Miss !•'. Sheard, M.A., B.Sc.; Miss K. M. Gresson, M.A. ; Miss L. E. Bing, B.A. ; .Mrs. Longton, .M.A. ; .Miss E. E. T. Crosby, B.A. ; .Miss G. E. Greonstreot, B.A. ; Miss A. I. Wilson. M.A. : .Miss M. Wills: Captain Farthing; Miss Black: Miss Rennie ; Miss Smith ; Mrs. Mayne. 1. Report of the Lady Principal. The roll for the year was 278 ; the term numbers were 270, 266, and 253 ; but of the average roll of 263 the average attendance was 245— i.e., 93 per cent, of the roll. This fact testifies in itself to the excellent health enjoyed by the pupils. In the main school there were only six pupils paying fees ; seventy-nine held Senior Free Places ; 177 Junior Free Places ; one a school free place. There were fifteen pupils in the preparatory department, all paying fees. There were more changes of staff teachers than usual. At the beginning of the year Miss Jane Black, Mus. Bae. N.Z., L.A.8., R.A.M., R.C.M., and formerly a pupil of the school, was appointed as teacher of class singing in place of Miss Nora Gardiner (resigned). Miss C. K. Henderson, 8.A., who has been a member of the teaching staff for twenty-seven years, and first assistant for the past twentyfour years, resigned her position at the close of the year. Her retiring from the teaching profession is a distinct loss to educational interests in general as well as to this school in. particular. Miss Annie