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2. Work ok the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. —English—Nesfield's English Past and Present ; Aids to Composition; Sweet's AngloSaxon Primer ; Sweat's Specimens ; Wilson's Literature ; Chaucer's Prologue ; Milton's Minor Poems and Simso . Agonistes ; Shakespeare's Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet ; Macaulay's Essay on Milton ; essays and composition. Latin—Bradley's Arnold ; Livy, Book XXIV ; Horace, Odes, Books I and II ; light, Virgil and Caesar ; Ramsay's Latin Prose, Vol. II ; Shuckburgh's History of Rome ; Wilkins's Antiquities. French —Wellington College French Grammar ; Berthor and Onions, Advanced French Composition ; Voltaire, Zaire, Moliere, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme ; Saintine, Picciola. Mathe matics —Pure mathematics, as for Junior Scholarship. Physics (heat) and botany, as for Junior Scholarship. Lowest. —English —Nesfield's Outlines, and Junior Composition ; Meiklejohn's Spelling ; Scott, Lady of the Lake ; Kingsley, Heroes. French —Dent's New First French Book ; Reicbenbach, Deux Comedies enfantines. Latin—Bell's Illustrated Latin Course, Parts I and II; Sealae Primae; elementary accidence, to end of passive verbs. History—Tout's History, Book 111, up to Tudor period. Geography—Arnold's Handbooks, Nos. 2, 4, 5. Arithmetic —Pendlebury's New School of Arithmetic, to proportion. Algebra —Baker and Bourne, to the end of simple problems. Geometry—Hall and Stevens, Part I. Book-keeping —Jackson's Junior Book-keeping. Botany—Elementary work without text-book. Physics—-As in syllabus for Civil Service Junior, more elementary portion. Hygiene (for girls)—Lyster, First Stage Hygiene. Cookery (for girls). Woodwork (for boys). Elementary agriculture (alternative with Latin).

NELSON COLLEGE. Staff. Boys' College.—Mr. H. L. Fowlor, .M.A. : Mr. G. -I. Lancaster, .M.A. ; Mr. ('. H. Broad, B.A. : .Mr. -I. G. MoKay, B.A. : Mr. A. H. Robinson, B.A. ; Mr. A. E. Brackett; Mr. H. P. Kidson. M.A. ; Mr. A. S. Lawronce, B.A. ; Mr. J. C. Pope, M.A. ; Mr. W. S. Hainpson ; Mr. F. F. C. Huddleston. Girls' College. —Miss M. Lorimor, -M.A. ; Miss M. A. McEachon, M.A. ; Miss A. Eastwood. M.A. : Mis.s K. B. Baxter, M.A. ; Miss C. M. Farron, M.A. ; M'ins M. Garland, M.A. ; Miss G. Saxon, M.A. ; Miss E. F. Chisholm ; Miss W. Greenwood ; Mr. V. C. -I. Cockburn. 1. Report of the Board of Governors. During the year the term of office of three members of the Council expired—namely, Mr. Cock, Mr. Fell, and Mr. Hamilton. His Excellency the Governor, as Visitor, has reappointed them for a further term. Buildings. —The new science laboratories in connexion with the Boys' College, mentioned in our last report, are now completed, and will shortly be fully equipped and ready for use lor the coming year, 1913. At the Girls' College a large laboratory is being erected, mainly for the teaching of domestic science, and will be ready early in the first term of 1913. Minor improvements have been effected by the provision of a covered way connecting the main building with the gymnasium, cookery-ioom, and new laboratory. Pupils. —-The roll at both colleges last year constitutes a record, the average number of boys in attendance being 225, and the average number of boarders 105. The average attendance at the Girls' College was 169, and the average number of boarders 41. The Inspectors' reports, and the results of the public examinations, were very satisfactory. The general health of the pupils at both colleges continues excellent. The Governors desire to express their appreciation of a donation from the Nelson College Old Boys' Association, which will be devoted to providing two fives-courts at the Boys' College. The delay that has occurred in making a commencement with these courts has resulted from a difficulty in obtaining exact measurements and specifications, but it is hoped that the work of construction will soon be in hand. The Governors have also to acknowledge, with thanks, the recejition of two memorial tablets from the relatives of the late F. Pogson and the Old Boys' Association respectively. These tablets have been erected in the assembly hall to the memory of the late Frederick L. Pogson and George Leece. The Staff. —Boys' College : Mr. A. Robinson, M.A., joined the staff in October, taking the place of Mr. C. H. McKay. Girls' College : Mrs. Hamilton succeeded Mrs. Satchell as Matron. Miss Garland, M.A., filled the position vacated by Miss Hind, who in February joined the staff of the Wellington Girls' College. Miss Saxon, M.A., acted as relieving teacher from the Ist April, Miss Kirton having been granted nine months' leave of absence in order to visit England. Towards the end of the year came the lamentable news of her death there. In December Miss Baxter accepted a position in the Christchurch Girls' High School. The vacancies thus caused were filled by the promotion of the senior members of the staff, and the appointment of Miss Isaac, M.A., and of Miss Saxon to junior positions. Mr. Cockburn took the drawing classes during Miss Igglesden's absence on sick-leave. Examinations. —-Boys' College : Highly satisfactory results were obtained in the public examinations held during the year. Of eight candidates who sat for University Entrance Scholarships, two gained scholarships, three obtained " credit," and three qualified for matriculation. Eleven passed the Matriculation Examination, ten of them the Solicitors' General also, and nine the Medical Preliminary. The Intermediate for Senior Free Places was passed by forty candidates, and six were granted a Junior Free Place for a third year. Twenty passed the Junior Civil Service, six of them with credit. One boy passed in all subjects for the Senior Civil Service, and two passed in four subjects. The preparatory department, though small in numbers, continues to do well.