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Lowest. —English —Nesfield's Manual ; Dickens, A Christmas Carol; Scott, The Lady of the Lake, The Legend of Montrose. Latin—Saott and Jones ; First Latin Course ; Elemcnta Latina. History —Cambridge Historical Reader (Intermediate). French—Siepmann's Primary French Course. Mai hematics—Borchardt's Algebra, Part I; Hall and Stevens's Geometry, Part I. Chemistry—Newth's Elementary Chemistry. Agriculture—Kirk's Elementary Agriculture. Girls' School. Highest. —English—Mason's New English Grammar (Intermediate); Scott, The Lady of the Lake, The Legend of Montrose ; Dickens, A Christmas Carol. Latin—Scott and Jones, Part I. HistoryCambridge Historical Reader (Intermediate). French—Siepmann's Primary French Course. Mathematics —Borchardt's Algebra, Part I ; Hall and Stevens's Geometry, Part I. Botany —First S'udies in Plant-life (Gillies). Domestic Sjience—Physiology, Hill's Physiology for Beginners; hygiene, Lyster's First S age ; first aid, St. John Ambulance. Lowest. —-English—Mason's Senior English Grammar (revised by Ashton); Nesfield's Grammar and Composition ; Shakespeare's Hamlet; Milton's Lycidas ; Macaulay's Essay on Milton ; selections from different authors. Latin—Ramsay's Latin Prose Composition ; Virgil's Aeneid, Book VI; Cicero's Amicitia; Horace's Odes, Book I; Livy, Book XXII ; Ramsay's Antiquities. French— Siepmann's French Course, Part III; Siepmann's Grammar ; Weekley's French Prose Composition; Advanced French Reader (University Tutorial Series) ; Quatre-vingt-treize. Mathematics —as for Boys' School. Heat—Glazebrook's Heat; Robson's Practical Exercises in Heat; Stewart's Elementary Heat. Botany—Lowson's Second-stage Botany; Thomson's Introduction to Elementary Botany ; Strasburger's Botany.

WANGANUI GIRLS' COLLEGE. Staff. Miss C. M. Cruickshank, M.A., M.Sc. ; Miss S. E. Gifiord, M.A. ; Miss J. Knapp, B.A. ; Miss J. R. Currio, M.A. ; Miss A. Blonnorhassott, B.A. ; Miss E. M. Mcintosh, M.A. ; Miss F. J. Grant, B.A. ; Miss L. Bockingsale, 8.A.; Miss C. C. H. Rockol, M.A. ; Miss A. I. Hr.slott, B.A. ; Mrs. S. A. C. Rodwood ; Miss J. Chorrott; Miss M. Paton; Mr. D. Soaward; Miss M. L. Browno; Mr. G. L. Mcßoth; Miss E. Dunn ; Miss E. J. Inkstor; Madams E. Briggs; Mrs. J. Ramsay; Mrs. M. S. Watkin ; Mr. C. Richardson ; Miss G. M. Frankish ; Miss B. A. Mollison. Work of the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. —English—Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet; Macaulay's Essay on Milton ; Samson Agonistes ; L'Allegro ; II Penseroso ; Lycidas ; Age of Milton ; and work for terms. French—L'Ancien Regime la Revolution ; Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme ; Trai're ; and works for terms and degree B.A. Mathematics—Hall and Knight's Algebra ; Baker and Bourne's Geometry. Trigonometry—Pendlebury's Trigonometry for B.A. degree. Latin —Livy, XXIV; Horace, Odes, I and II; and work for B.A. degree. German-—Work towards B.A. degree. Lowest. —Literature —Talisman ; Evangeline ; Tanglewood Tales. Grammar—Simple analysis ; parsing of verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs. History—Britannia Reader. Geography —Imperial Geography, pp. 1-30 and 81-114. (The foregoing is for the lower department.) Literature—Tale of Two Cities; Legend of Montrose ; Tanglewood Tales; Tennyson's Poems (selected). Grammar—Mason's Junior Grammar. History —Britannia, Part 11. Geography—Pitman's New Era; British Possessions. Physiology—The Builders of the Body; general ideas on circulation, respiration, and the blood. Arithmetic —Decimals ; Pendlebury, Part I.

- WANGANUI COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. Staff. Roy. J. L. Dove, 4M.A. ; Mr. C. Price, M.A. ; Mr. IL B. Watson, M.A. ; Mr. J. E. Bannister, M.A. ; Mr. F. L. Peck; Mr. G. F. McGrath, M.A. ; Mr. J. A. Noame, B.A. ; Mr. J. Allon, B.A. ; Mr. H. M. Buttorworth ; Mr. H. E. Sturgo, M.A. ; Mr. A. G. Hodgos, B.A. ; Mr. F. H. Latham, B.A. ; Mr. L. S. Jonnings, M.Sc. ; Mr. A. T. Long; Mr. L. J. Watkin, AJH.S.K. 1. Report op the Board of Governors. The period under review covers the first complete year of the school's occupancy of the new College buildings. In order to exhibit more accurately the financial result of the year's working, the school has been charged with interest on the actual cost to the 31st December, 1911, of buildings and furnishing. The College Account shows that in addition to enjoying the free use of about 70 acres of land, the school during last year benefited from the endowment to the extent of £1,573 Bs. Id. in cash. The Boarding Account is considerably heavier this year. The increase is partly due to improvements it was thought desirable to effect in the bill of fare, and partly to increased wages of the domestic staff rendered necessary mainly by difficulty in procuring a sufficient number of competent workers. Salaries of masters are about £500 more than previous year, which is to some extent owing to the present being the complete year on the increased salaries scale. The income from fees, considering that an additional term was at the new scale of fees, shows less increase than was anticipated, owing to a falling-off in the number of boarders. The number enrolled for the opening term of 1913, which is a record for the school, proves that the falling-off mentioned was merely temporary.