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WHANGAREI HIGH SOHOOL. Staff. Mr. R. Lupton j Mr. H. G. Smith ; Miss .1. D. Bruce, M.A. : Miss K. G. B. Lynch. M.A. ; Mr. W. J. Bishop j Miss E. Blumhardt: Mr. F. J. Layzoll : Miss F. A. Brown. 1. Report op the Board of Governors. I have the honour to enclose herewith the annual returns in connexion with the Whangarei High School for the year ended 31st December, 1912. During the year the school hits done good work under Mr. R. Lupton, Principal, assisted by his staff. The average attendance for the year was 112-8. To provide accommodation for the increased school attendance the Board had to add an additional class-room to the school, at a cost of £560. The boarding-school has been completed at a cost of £2,075. This establishment is now occupied by boys from the country who attend the Whangarei High School, and are under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. Lupton, who are in residence in the boarding-school. Both the school and the boarding-school buildings have been connected with the town water and drainage services. During ihe year the ReV. J. L. Pattullo resigned as a member of the Board, owing to his removal to another part of the Dominion. This vacancy was filled by the appointment of Mr. John Wilkinson. Chairman of the district School Committee. J. McKinnon, Secretary. 2. Work op the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest.—As for Senior Civil Service in all subjects taken. Text-books, those prescribed. Lowest. —Arithmetic—General revision ; use of short methods ; Special Mensuration ; Intermediate Arithmetic. Algebra —Hall, to simultaneous equations. Geometry—Hall and Stevens, Part I. English Grammar —Jones, First English Lessons. English Literature—-Ancient Mariner ; Hiawatha ; selections from Bacon's essays ; Cook's Voyages ; selections from Palgrave's Golden Treasury. French —Siepmann's First Lessons. Latin—Macmillan's First Book. Book-keeping—-Thornton's First Lessons.

AUCKLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Staff. Boys' School—Mr. 3. W. Tibbs, M.A. j Mr. J. H. Turner, M.A. ; Mr. H. J. D. Mahon, B.A. ; Mr. F. Heaton, M.A.. M.Sc. ; Mr. J. Dmmmonil. M.A. : Rev. -I. K. Davis. M.A. ; Mr. P. A. Dooherty ; Mr. P. Drummontl, B.A. ; Mr. J. I). Dinneon, B.A. ; Mr. F. W. Gamble, M.A. ; Mr. D. A. Watt, B.A. : Mr. H. W. Kiitn. B.A. ; Or. G. P. O'Shanmway, Ph.D. : Air. A. W. Short. 8.A.: Mr. J. L I. Newhook; Mr. M. D. Rohan, M.A. ; Mr. W. Fraser, M.A. ; Mr. I>. Hereford ; Mr. K.'.T. Dellow, 8.A.; Mr. J. M. Cole; Mr. L. J. Comrie. Qirls' School. -Miss B, Butlar, B.So. ; Miss E. G. Wallace ; Miss A. ('. Morrison, M.A. ; Miss \V. Woken, M.A. ; Miss F. V. J. Jaoobsen, M.A. ; Miss p. 10. Macdonald, B.A. ; Miss .1. Moore, 8.A.; M.Sc. ; Miss (!. L. Beaumont, M.A. ; Mile. Uhlmann ; Miss M. A. Dive, B.A. j .Miss N. I. Maclean, M.A. ; .Miss M. MoLean, B.A. : Miss K. V. Edgorley, M.A. ; Miss H. Kirkbride, M.A. : Miss (). V. Haddrell, M.A. ; Miss E. Garland. M.A.; Miss A. M. Jaoobs, B.A. ; Mr. K. Watkin : Mrs. S. Hoap ; Mrs. Markstodt: Miss E. Whitelaw. I. Report of the Board of Governors. Auckland Gram mar School. Progress of School. —The number on the roll still continues to increase. In the first term of 1911 there were 546 boys, and for the first term of 1912 there were 615, an increase of sixty-nine, thus compelling the Board to erect four new class-rooms, of which two were furnished and used, and the other two it is expected will be used in 1913. Distinctions. —At the examination for entrance scholarships of the University held in December. 1911, W. G. Stevens gained the seventh Junior Scholarship, and Senior National Scholarships were awarded to C. H. A. Senior, V. R. Brown, E. A. Watkin, P. E. Dromgool, G. H. Grant. Five passed the examination with " credit," and ten others matriculated on this examination ; thirty-three passed the ordinary Matriculation Examination. W. G. Stevens, E. T. Rowllings, and D. E. Bremner were appointed to cadetships in the Royal Australian Military College. The following distinctions have been won by former pupils of the school outside the Dominion : B. E. Myers, F.R.C.P., England ; H. Hutson, F.R.C.S., Edinburgh ; J. C. Finlay, D.D.S., and W. C. Ring, V.M.D.. at the University of Pennsylvania : G. B. Buddie. B.Sc. in Engineering at the University of California : W. A. Donald, 8.A.. Oxford.