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Appendix A


£ s. d. Balance at 1 at Jahuary, 1912, Dr. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,863 3 10 £ s. d. Bank balance at 31st December, 1912, Dr. .. .. .. 5,504 6 5 Plus unpresented cheques .. .. .. .. .. 279 7 2 5,783 13 7 Rees Bequest— £ s . d. Bank Cr. .. .. .. .. 47 19 11 On mortgage .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 1,047 19 11 Total at end of year, Dr. .. .. .. • .. .. .. £4,735 13 8 Fred. Pirani, Chairman. Education Office, Wanganui, 17th April, 1913. W. H. Swanger, Secretary. Auditor's Certificate. Examined and found correct, except that—(1) the transfers from the Manual and Technical Classes to the General Administration Account are without authority of law ; (2) there is no authority for the expenditure of £20 4s. interest on unpaid purchase-money ; (3) the practice of handing capitation-moneys to teachers, in respect of classes such as swimming, dressmaking and first aid, without obtaining evidence as to how the moneys are expended, is improper. R. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.


Buildings : Maintenance, rebuilding, rent — -■"> (u) .Maintenance and small additions! [ and (6) ordinary rebuilding / j t>, 185 0 U 2t> Rebuilding schools destroyed by fire I 13,024 Iβ i> .. J 27 Rents of buildings and sites for 323 12 0 school purposes New buildings, furniture, additions, sites — 28 Public schools .. .. .. .. 8.868 18 8l 7,538 5 10 29 Manual instruction (including initial "I f 284 16 7 capitation) • in Technical instruction .. .. 1,650 14 1 31 Rent of buildings for manual-in- .. 6,366 11 1 <J struction purposes 32 Rent of buildings for technical-in- 4 19 0' ... struction purposes 33 Sites-sales .. .. .. .. 675 Lβ 9 Other separate accounts — 36 Contractors' deposits .. .. 104 19 <> 37 Wanganui school-sites .. .. .. 8.774 r> 2 38 Rees Bequest Fund .. .. 2,589 15 !t Totals .. .. .. 21,969 4 0 27.832 7 10 95.017 16 l| 4.738 9 2 521 4 9 J 0 17 6 2 10 0 (o)3,825 9 I I (6)3,582 12 11 266 17 11 249 10 1 7,650 14 11 356 3 4 2,613 12 0 584 2 S '.'. *»12,130 19 11 J 8,978 15 9 '.'. y .. 7,412 9 3 1,245 9 2 2,010 4 9 881 5 7 1,015 7 6 2,018 13 1' 542 16 I 7 10 ' 14 10 3 189 19 9 15,703 19 4 59 2 2 24+ lit 3 9,813 10 5 1.600 18 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 2,863 16 3 1.047 19 11 30 0 19,937 6 0 118,561) 1 I +17 16 10 417 16 1018,808 6 3 13,543 19 11 9,561 4 6 3,313 15 • (Exrliisivc of secondary departments of district high schools), salaries and allowances of pupil-teachers, and half of the total coat of the training-college staff. t In terms of the Order in Council of 13th Fcb.uary, 1911, but exclusive of cost of works paid for out of Government "rant for maintenance and rebuilding of school buildings and included below under that heading.