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A large barracks, blacksmith's shop, oil-stores, magazine, crusher-and-mixer, and new ropeways have been fixed across the gorge, and tram-line laid to quarry. The excavation for dam had been practically completed when a fault developed necessitating further sinking. Heavy rains and.floods during the past few months have stopped progress, but it is intended to start concreting in November. During the last winter about 30 chains of the Bonanza race were widened, and, in the spring, water was turned on for irrigation in the Ida Valley. Widening of race is now again in hand. The site of the Moa Creek diverting-weir was excavated, and stone, gravel, and sand are on the ground in readiness for starting concreting in the spring. About 20 chains of No. 3 Black's race has been finished, mostly in rock, and work is in hand to 1 m. 40 eh. Ike sites of the Poolburn diverting-weir and dams have been set out. A considerable amount of survey-work has been done in connection with the Manuherikia-Alexander-Clyde scheme. The country on the Moutere or right side of the Manuherikia has been carefully surveyed and levelled, and alternative race-lines have been set out. Little has been done on the Galloway side, and here there are alternatives to the scheme of picking up the water in Chatto Creek and conveying it across the Manuherikia River by means of the railway-bridge. SEACLIFF MENTAL HOSPITAL WATER-SUPPLY. A concrete dam is in hand in Waitiiipaka Creek. Most of the pipes from dam to reservoir, a distance of 7 miles, have been laid, and the reinforced-concrete reservoir is practically complete. Floods and unfavourable weather have considerably hampered the work. OHINEMURI SILTING. A considerable amount of work has been done in killing and removing willows on the Waihou River and Komata Stream. About 3 miles of the river have recently been snagged. Surveys have been carried out in connection with proposed stop-banks along the Ohinemuri River at Paeroa, and the Waihou River. Soundings and surveys of the Ohinemuri are being made below the Waihi-Paeroa Extraction Company's works to obtain information regarding the silting of the river. Surveys have also been made of lands injured or destroyed by silt and of lands which will be specially benefited by reason of the river-improvements. A contract was let for the Ngararahi and Koutou cuts, for straightening the Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers and forming stop-banks. The Ngararahi cut has been excavated to within 12 chains of the finishing-point, and the Koutou cut is in hand at the upper end. A contract is also in progress for the construction of a stopbank along the right bank of the Ohinemuri River between Russel Street, Paeroa, and the Paeroa Railway-station. A contract has been let to Messrs. Stevenson and Cook, of Port Chalmers, for the construction of a mechanical cutter suction dredge for the Waihou River improvement scheme. TRAMWAYS. Auckland. —The Green Lane to Mountain Road extension, the Victoria Avenue extension, and the Dominion Road duplication have been completed and passed for traffic. The duplication of the new North Road line between Dominion Road and New Edendale Road is in course of construction. Pneumatic sanders have been provided on 156 cars. Thirty new cars have been inspected and passed, making a total of 156 cars. Heavier brake-rigging has been fitted on all the old style of truck, Nos. 1 to 92 and 99 to 100. Gisborne. —A tramway under a mile long was constructed and passed for traffic. The cars are electrically driven by power obtained from Edison -Beach storage batteries, no overhead equipment being necessary. Napier. —This tramway is 2 miles 65 chains long, with a 12-chain branch line to railwaystation. The track-work is practically complete, and half the overhead equipment is erected. The car-shed, power-house, and plant are ready. Five cars have arrived and are being put together. Wanganui. —New cars and trailers were inspected and passed for traffic, making a total of twelve cars and two trailers in commission. Route No. 2, Gonville-Castlecliff portion, 2 miles 76 chains long, was completed and passed for traffic. A duplication was made along Taupo Quay and Victoria Avenue. Wellington. —The duplication of the Brooklyn route from Nairn Street to the top of the hill is in hand, and the Kilbirnie route-duplication has been completed. During the year four new cars were inspected and passed for traffic. Cross-seated cars are being altered to provide central-passage-way. Christchurch. —The Fendalton line was extended to Clyde Road, the Dallington line completed into Dallington, and the Papanui line extended from Homer Street to Northcote Road. On the Cashmere Hills line the line was duplicated between Moorhouse Avenue and Strickland Street, and extended up Hackthorne Road to the junction with Dyer's Pass Road Ten new cars were inspected and passed. Invercargill. —The balance of the authorized lines has been completed during the year. Wairio-Birchwood Tramway. —The formation of this is still in progress, but is practically complete. No platelaying has as yet been done.