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Heefton Domain. Section No. 189 of Square 131, Block IX, Reefton Survey District. Area, 58 acres 2 roods 2 perches. Work done during year : A contract was let for clearing, stumping, and ploughing 4 acres. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and clearing. Used for sports and picnics. Leased. It is proposed to level, crop, and improve ground when cleared, and to carry on tree-planting. Wai-iti Domain. Part Section No. 156, Block XV, Wai-iti Survey District. Area, 6 acres. Work done during year : Tx-ees planted, plantation attended to, and portion of domain ploughed ready for levelling. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, clearing, and levelling. Used for picnics and general recreation. Leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Planting trees and levelling. Waiuta Domain. Section No. 87, Township of Blackwater. Area, 7 acres and 5 perches. Work done during year : Clearing. Improvements now on domain : Felling and grubbing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Clearing, burning, grassing, draining, and erecting buildings. Wakefield Domain. Sections Nos. 1 and 2, Block XVI, Wai-iti Survey District. Area, 5 acres 1 rood 368 perches. Work done during year : Trees protected and ground cleared. Improvements now on domain : Cricket-pitch, football-ground, cycling and running track, well and pump, footbridge, ornamental trees, and conveniences. Used for cricket, football, sports, and picnics. Wangapeka Domain. Section No. 31, Block XV, Wangapeka Survey District. Area, 13 acres 1 rood 33 perches. Improvements now on domain : Two tennis-courts, clearing, and fencing. Used for picnics and tennis. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erecting shelter-shed. Westport (1) Domain. Sections Nos. 1020, 1021,, and 1022, Town of Westport. Area, 38 acres 1 rood 6 perches. Work done during year : Noxious weeds destroyed, walks and seats repaired, and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, draining, caretaker's lodge, bandrotunda, fishpond and hatchery, ornamental trees, shrubs, and lawn. Used as a pleasure resort and for picnics and general recreation. A portion of the domain is leased. Westport (2) Domain. Sections Nos. 986 and 987 (Victoria Square), Town of Westport, 103 and 104, Block VII, Kawatiri Survey District, and 12 acres 2 roods 30 perches, in the Town of Westport, known as the Beach Reserve. Area, 114 acres 1 rood 2 perches. A caretaker has been employed during the year keeping the grounds in good order. Improvements now on domain : Clearing, draining, levelling, fencing, grandstand, tennis-courts, pavilion, croquet-lawn, permanent walks and tracks, grassing, and ornamental trees and shrubs planted. The reserve on the beach is fenced and a portion cleared. Used as a pleasure-ground and for sports, football, cricket, hockey, tennis, and croquet. Portion leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Generally improving Victoria Square, and clearing and fencing at Beach Reserve.

WESTLAND LAND DISTRICT. . Blackball Domain. Reserve No. 1237, Block 11, Mawheranui Survey District. Area, 7 acres. Work done during year : A bazaar and art union resulted in a profit to the Board of over £200, of which amount the Blackball Coal Company subscribed twenty-five guineas and Mr. Charles Dawes ten guineas. The Government provided a pound-for-pound subsidy. A contract under the supervision of competent engineers was let for levelling and grassing an area 122 yards by 80 yards, which when completed will result in a most satisfactory recreation-ground. In addition, some 20 chains of ornamental hedge, and ornamental trees at intervals, were planted. Improvements now on domain : Drains, fencing, shed, and gates. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Constructing a road 4 chains long; felling, grubbing, and sowing an area 80 yards by 44 yards; and grubbing, levelling, and grassing a strip 1 chain wide round the playing-field. Cobden Domain. Reserve No. 44, Block IV, Cobden Survey District. Area, 8 acres 1 rood 24 perches. Work done during year : Domain entirely and substantially fenced. Improvements now on domain : Clearing, levelling, fencing, gates, and shelter-shed. Used for cricket, football, hockey, picnics, and sports. Proposed operations for ensuing year ; Draining, levelling, arid shrubplanting.

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