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Manutahi Domain. Part of Section No. 9, Manutahi Settlement, Hawera Survey District. Area, 3 acres 3 roods 2 perches. Improvements now on domain : 25 chains fencing, two halls, grassing, and plantation. Leased. Maeslanb Hir.L Domain. Sections Nos. 2340 and part of 2343, Town of New Plymouth. Area, 7 acres 3 roods 31 perches. Improvements consist of boundary-fences, monuments, and shrubs. Used for recreation purposes. Matire Domain. Suburban Section No. 32, Matire Village, Aria Survey District. Area, 6 acres and 12 perches. Work done during year : Domain felled, burnt, and sown in English grasses. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Fencing. Leased. Mount Bryon Domain. Situated in Town of New Plymouth. Area, 5 acres 2 roods. Work done during year : Fencing and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Boundary-fences and shrubs. Used for general recreation. Ohawe Domain. Sections Nos. 317, 318, 319, and 320, Town of Ohawe. Area, 3 acres 2 roods 15 perches. Work done during year : 14 chains of fencing erected and boxthorn hedge planted along same; ornamental trees planted. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and planting. Used for picnics, camping, and accommodation-paddock for public visiting beach. Portion leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Clearing and renewing boxthorn hedge. Onairo Domain. Section No. 8, Block 111, Waitara Survey District. Area, 6 acres. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, New Plymouth. It is situated near the mouth of the Onairo Stream on the main road between Waitara and Urenui, is in rough grass, and is used for grazing and as a picnic resort. Improvements now on domain : Fencing. Leased, the tenant being required to keep down noxious weeds. Opunake Domain. Blocks I, IV, V, VI, VIII, and Sections Nos. 1 to 6, Block 11, Town of Opunake, and the Opunake Town Belt. Area, 35 acres 2 roods 2 perches. Work done during year : Fences repaired, hedges, ditches, and plantations kept in order, and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, gates, grandstand with luncheon-rooms, ornamental trees, and drains. Leased. Patba Domain. Blocks XLIV and XLV, Town of Patea. Area, 65 acres 2 roods 25 perches. Work done during year : King George V drive completed, trees and stumps grubbed, 400 yards of permanent hedge planted, 3,000 cuttings struck for planting in winter, considerable drainage operations carried out to reclaim valuable land, grandstand and gates repaired and painted, and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, cricket and football ground, tennis-court, nursery garden, half a mile of paths, two cart gates, seven small gates, three stiles, grandstand, pavilion, tool-house, and custodian's room. Used for football, tennis, cricket, hockey, picnics, and public recreation. Portion leased. Pihama Domain. Section No. 48, Block 1, Pihama Village, Oeo Survey District. Area, 14 acres 2 roods. Work done during year : Fencing renewed, gate, water-tank, and convenience erected. Improvements now on domain : Fences, bowling-green, tennis and croquet lawns, shelter-sheds, windmill and water-supply. Used for sports, picnics, football, and general recreation. Portion leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : General maintenance. Poti Domain. Section No. 83, Block X, Ngaire Survey District. Area, 15 acres 2 roods. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and grassing. Leased for grazing. Pukearuhe Domain. Sections Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30, Town of Pukearuhe, and 2 and 9, Pukearuhe Town Belt. Area, 28 acres 2 roods, Under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, New Plymouth.