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Mount Eden Domain. Allotments Nos. Iα of Section No. 6 and 68a of Section No. 10, Suburbs of Auckland. Are/.. 63 acres 2 roods 38 perches. Work done during year : General maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantations, roads, seats, and tram shelter-shed at foot of mountain. Used for recreation and scenic purposes; portion leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Generally improving the domain. Mount Hobson Domain. Allotment No. 2a of Section No. 11, Suburbs of Auckland. Area, 23 acres 1 rood. Work done during year: Paths, channels, and culverts kept in orderj shrubs attended to; the new reservoir has been completed on the top of the mountain. Improvements now on domain : Fences, three plantations of native and other trees and shrubs, paths, gates, and seats, and toolhouse. The domain is used by the public as a pleasure resort. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Keeping paths in good order and attending to trees and shrubs. Mount Maunganui Domain. Section No. 1., Block VI, Tauranga Survey District, and Motuotau and Moturiki Islands. Area 203 acres 3 roods 27 perches. Improvements now on domain : Wooden wharf, stone pier, two miles of tracks, plantation, and water-supply. Used for picnics and camping. Leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Improving wharf, erecting shelter-shed, providing water-supply, improving tracks and roadway, and erecting gates. Mount Richmond Domain. Allotment No. 60 of Section No. 12, Waitemata Parish, Suburbs of Auckland. Area, 33 acres. Work done during year : Drinking-trough for cattle erected, ground around trees cleared and dug, and shrubs planted. Improvements now on domain : Post-and-wire and live fences, stone wall across quarry-face, and small plantation. The domain is leased, the lessee being required 'to keep the fences in order and the ground clear of noxious weeds. It is proposed to open a new entrance to the reserve from the Panmure Road, and to continue the planting of trees and shrubs. Mount Roskill Domain. Allotments Nos. 85b and 85f of Section No. 10, Suburbs of Auckland. Area, 11 acres 2 roods 22 perches. Boring for water was carried out successfully during the year. Leased for grazing. Mount Smart Domain. Allotment No. 22 of Section No. 17, Suburbs of Auckland. Area, 32 acres 2 roods 22 perches. Work done during year : Fences repaired and noxious weeds cut and burnt. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and water-supply. Used for grazing. Mount St. John Domain. Allotment No. 12a of Section No. 11, Suburbs of Auckland. Area, 8 acres 2 roods 21 perches. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, planting, and seats. Used as a public resort and for grazing. Naumai Domain. Section No. 213, Parish of Tauhoa. Area, 33 acres 1 rood. Nil report furnished k Newmarket Domain. Allotments Nos. 32 and 33 of Section No. 4, Suburbs of Auckland. Area, 3 acres, 2 roods. Nil report furnished. Ngaroto Domain. Section No. 176 a, Ngaroto Parish. Area, 6 acres 1 rood. Leased on improvement conditions. Ngahuawahia Domain. Sections Nos. 123 a, Horotiu Parish, 101, Suburbs of Newcastle, and 670 and 6C3a, Town of Ngaruawahia. Area, 131 acres 1 rood 28 perches. Improvements now on domain : Fences and buildings. Used principally for races. Leased. Ngatikoi Domain. Section No. 15, Block XVI, Ohinemuri Survey District. Area. 133 acres 3 roods. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and shelter-trees. Nikau Domain. Section No. M. 129, Oruawharo Parish. Area, 22 acres. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland,