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Examinations. —At the examinations for Government certificates held in March last five students sat, four for battery superintendents' certificates, and one for first-class mine-manager's certificate. The results were most satisfactory, two students gaining battery superintendents' certificates, two received partial passes for the same, and one a partial pass for mine-manager's certificate. Assays. —During the year 425 assays were made for the public. I have to acknowledge with thanks receipt of a number of mineral specimens from various gentlemen, and I also desire to thank the Council for the lively interest taken in the school. I have, &c, J. F. McPadden, A.0.5.M., Director.

Professor James Park, M.lnst. M.M., M.A., 1.M.E., F.G.S., Director of the Otago University School of Mines, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sir.— Dunedin, 3rd April, 1913. I have the honour to present my report on the work done at the Otago School of Mines during the year ended the 31st December, 1912. The Mining School for the session of 1912 showed an attendance of thirty students, of whom fourteen were entered for the full associate courses and one for the surveying course, the remaining fifteen attending the classes in geology. During the year there was a greater demand for young graduates to fill posts as mine-surveyors and rn,ine officials than in any previous year, and it was a matter for regret that the supply was unequal to the demand. Among the more important appointments secured by old students with some years of experience behind them were the following : — (1.) G. W. Thomson, A.0.5.M., General Manager, Pearl Lake Gold-mines (Limited), Porcupine, Ontario. (2.) E. Fletcher Roberts, A.0.5.M., Consulting Engineer, Vincent County Council. (3.) Cyril Gudgeon, General Manager, Gold and Scheelite Company (Limited), Macrae's Flat, Otago. (4.) H. Lovell, Director, Westport School of Mines. (5.) U. B. Inglis, A.0.5.M., Director, Coromandel School of Mines. (6.) S. Napier-Bell, A.0.5.M., General Manager, Nigeria Mines (Limited), Northern Nigeria. (7.) Herbert Black, A.0.5.M., General Manager, Sifwi Mines, Gold Coast, West Africa. (8.) F. W. Thomas, A.0.5.M., Assistant Manager, A'Koon Mines (Limited), West Africa. (9.) A. Barron, A.0.5.M., Assistant Manager, Nigeria Mines (Limited), Northern Nigeria. (10.) 0. Gore Adams, A.0.5.M., General Manager, Porko Tin-mines (Limited), Bolivia. (11.) A. M. Finlayson, D.Sc, A.0.5.M., Chief Mining Geologist, Burma Oil Company, Rangoon. Mr. John McKinlay passed the examinations of the New Zealand Boaid of Examiners, and obtained his diploma as a licensed surveyor. Laboratory. —During 1912 the number of samples of ores and minerals forwarded by the public for examination and valuation by assay or (analysis was 148. The samples comprised ores of copper, iron, tungsten, limestones, gold-bearing quartz, bullion, &c. The bulk of the determinations were for gold. I have, &c, James Park, Director.