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The J ust-in-Time Gold-mining Company at Capleston and the St. George Gold-mining Company at Big River have done a considerable amount of prospecting-work throughout the year, but so far without striking a permanent reef. Perotti Bros, are still diligently sinking their shaft at Golden Point, and should soon be* down the required depth, when they intend to crosscut in order to pick up the rich reef which was worked on the surface many years ago. Other small parties working in the field or prospecting on their properties are Bolitho Bros., at Lankey's Creek, Pettigrew and party and the Luck-at-Last Syndicate, operating at Victoria Range, and Bierwirth and party at the New Discovery Mine, south of Golden Point. The dredges working are the same as last year —viz., Hessey and Cameron's|dredge at Capleston, Frying-pan dredge at Cronadun, Slab-hut Creek dredge at Tawhai, Worksop dredge at Antonio's Creek, and the Blackwater Creek dredge at Blackwater. Of these, the Worksop dredge has been particularly successful, and the gold-returns for the year have constituted almost a record. Nothing new in the shape of alluvial mining has eventuated, and very little of this class of work is now carried on in this district, the total number of alluvial miners being not more than thirty, and about the same number of Chinese still earn a precarious living in some of the back gullies. In the Warden's Court 173 applications were received and dealt with during the year, by far the larger number being for prospecting licenses. This shows a decrease of fifty-three on the previous year's total. i The sum of £1,331 17s. 10d. was collected in revenue during the year, a decrease of £93 9s. Bd. on the amount collected in 1911. Provided the requisite number of men can be obtained to properly man the mines, the present should show a very marked improvement on last year, as many of the mines in the district are looking well and give every promise of successful development in the near future. Ahaura. Alluvial Mining. The following is a brief summary of this class of mining in the different localities : — Moonlight District. —The population is now very small, as the old hands are gradually dying off, and no new arrivals to take their place. Active prospecting for quartz has been carried on for some years by Mitchell and party, and recently this party let a contract for 300 ft. of a low-level tunnel, which is now being driven. The party are very confident of success ; should this be the case big developments will naturally follow. Blackball. —There is nothing new in this locality. A quartz lode was discovered at the head of Ford's Creek, but, although containing both silver and gold, the result of assay was very poor. Half-ounce, Duffers, and Granville. —The population here is gradually dying out. No new finds have taken place during the year. Nelson Creek. —'The population keeps up well in this locality, and the claims in some instances have given excellent returns. The Gow's Creek Company completed their tunnel some months ago, and the manager, Mr. Morel, is now almost ready to commence active operations on the company's claim, which should give good returns and prove a good investment for the shareholders. No Town. —This place is slowly dying out, and the population becoming very small. With water obtainable on the high levels the place would soon revive, as there is a vast extent of auriferous country that would find highly remunerative work. Ahaura, Orwell Greek, and Biverview. —The outlook for this part of the district is encouraging at present. During the year a company was formed in Sydney, known as " The Lake Hochstetter Goldfields (Limited)," with a capital of £45,000, consisting of 180,000 shares at ss. each. This company has now commenced the construction of a water-race of eighty heads from Lake Hochstetter to Sullivan's, a distance of six miled and a half. Di edging. The Moonlight Company's dredge has commenced operations at Moonlight, and I believe the results so far have been satisfactory. The Pactolus and New Trafalgar dredges have been continuously working at Nelson Creek. The greater portion of the claims have now been worked. The results for the year have been satisfactory. The Red Jack's Dredging Company took up a special dredging claim of 20 acres in Red Jack's Creek during the year, and are now busily engaged erecting an up-to-date plant, and expect to commence active operations very shortly. The amount of revenue collected during the year was £2,667 17s. The number of mining applications received was 240. being an increase of 68 over the previous year. I have, &c, J. Gbokgk L. Hewitt Warden.

Mr. Warden Cruickshank, Invercargill, to the Under-Secjretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sir,— Warden's Office, Invercargill, 9th May, 1913. I have the honour to present my annual report for the year ended 31st March, 1913, for fefcffe undermentioned different mining centres situated in the mining district of Southland : — Round Hill. Round Hill Mining Company (Limited). —During the ye;ir a new paddock was opened up for the No. 1 elevator, and about 5 acres of ground worked. The company found it impossible to work the richest part of the ground, owing to the Ourawera Sludge-channel being on that portion. Application