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been advanced 52 ft. on the course of the reef north-east. There are indications that a strong reef is near-by, from which this small reef is a branch. Several large reefs outcrop on the claim, and it is hoped that the low level now being driven will intersect one or more of them. I examined the mine on one occasion during the year, and found it in good order. New Day Dawn and Norfolk Mines. —This company have spent a considerable amount of capital in the development of their mine, without locating payable ore. In April they were granted protection. Mining had not been resumed at the close of the year. Dixon's Consolidated Mine. —This mine has been protected for the greater part of the year. In October work of a prospecting nature commenced. A. lode outcropping on the surface has been located underground, and found to be about 18 in. wide. New Sylvia Mine. —This mine has proved to be the most productive in the Thames district, and throughout the year regular monthly returns were forthcoming. 10,459 tons of ore was treated, for a return of £15,043 12s. lid., an increase of £7,097 12s. lid. above the previous year's return. Developments have been carried out at all levels. At Nos. 1, 2, and 3 (200 ft.) levels a new reef has been proved, of satisfactory value. At No. 4 (350 ft.) Battery level, stoping has been carried up to No. 3 level on the main New Sylvia reef. No. 5 (450 ft.) low level, crosscut has been extended to 1,986 ft. A short distance only remains to int.rsect the main New Sylvia reef. I examined the mine several times during the year, and found the work carried on with great care. Monowai -Mine. —Mining operations have been carried on during the year at Nos. 2, 3, and 4. (300 ft.) levels. Towards the close of the year a promising reef formation was located on the surface. A crosscut from No. 2 level was driven for 140 ft., when the reef, 11 ft. wide, was intersected. Stoping was carried out between Nos. 3 and 4 levels. The level main drive has been extended northward for 120 ft., nothing of importance being found. For the year 3,007 tons of ore was treated at the company's mill, for a return of £1,815 ss. 3d., while concentrates shipped and treated in England yielded £3,922 ss. 9d., the total return being £5,737 11s. The mine and milling plant were examined by me during the year, and found to be in good order. Portia Special Quartz Claim. —The owners worked the block of ground on the Portia reef from he level into the main slide, blocking out the ground to the surface. A fair amount of surface prospecting was also done. During the year 217 tons of general ore was treated, for a return of £667 6s. 6d. Nonpareil Mine. —Work, with satisfactory results, has been carried on continuously throughout the year. Mining has been confined to quartz droppers from the foot-wall of the Liverpool Boy's reef. Being an old mine, the means of ventilation through the old rises are. blocked, and to produce efficient ventilation is somewhat difficult. By the employment of a small ventilating-fan, work which proved remunerative was possible, 28 tons of ore being treated, for a return of £1,384 6s. 9d. I examined the mine during the year, and found it safe. Ballaral Claim. —On my visit for inspection I was unable to enter the mine owing to the gate on the drive "being locked, and judging by external conditions very little work, if any, has been done during the year. However, the owner makes a return showing that he has treated one load and 80 lb. of stone from the mine, for a return of £116 10s. Gladstone Claim. —This is an old claim recently taken up, and is situated in the Karaka Creek, in the vicinity of the New Magnet and Halcyon Mines. Two men have been employed on the claim, and 1 ton 56 lb. of ore was mined and treated, giving 140 oz. 1 dwt. of gold, for a return of £367 ] 2s. 3d., which may be considered as very satisfactory. Karaka Mines (Limited). —The principal work for the year has consisted in erecting a fine steamwinding and pumping plant, with air-compressor, all housed in substantial buildings. A little pro-specting-work has been done from the main adit level, where a small reef has been driven on, and at various places a little free gold has been seen in the quartz. I examined the main adit-level workings and found them to be in good order. Occidental Mine. —This mine has been working continuously throughout the year, and the results are satisfactory. At the low level (No. 5), 70 ft. below No. 4 (the adit) level, the Occidental No. 2 reef has been driven on for some length, and a block of ore stoped out for a length of 100 ft. by 30 ft. high, from which 400 tons of general ore and 840 lb. of picked ore was treated, for a return of £4,108 15s. 7d., exceeding £10 per ton. The run of gold appears to be pitching below the floor of the deepest level. I examined the mine several times during the year, and found it in fair order. Champion Mine. —Work at this mine has been principally of a prospecting nature. 300 tons treated gave a return of £100. I examined the mine early in the year, and found it in good order. Golden Belt Mine. —Mining has been carried on continuously for the year at the low (adit) level, where a rise has been put up to a height of over 160 ft. on the Ajax reef, and an intermediate level has been driven to prove the extent and value of the reef. Unfortunately, the value is very low. During the year no ore was treated. I examined the mine, and found it. in fair order. Tairua Golden Hills. —After repairs to the mill, treatment of ore was resumed early in the year. Subsequently operations were suspended, owing to the quartz being unprofitable. During my inspection I found that the work was being carried on with care, the roads and the working-places being in fair order. 2,806 tons of ore was treated, for a return of £3,494. Tairua Mines. —A considerable amount of prospecting was done over the unexplored part of the property, but nothing of any value was discovered. I examined the mine during the year, and found it in good order. Daisy Claim. —This is a small claim, the area being only 4 acres. Work is carried on from a short adit level water-free. The owner secured a satisfactory return, treating eleven loads of general ore and 66 lb. of specimen-stone, for a return of £256 2s. 9d,

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