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Table showing Number of Deaths from Accidents at New Zealand Metal Mines and Dredges during the Years 1906 to 1912.

The following is a brief description of the fatal accidents at New Zealand metalliferous mines during 1912 :—

IV. GOLD-MINES. The following statement shows the value of the bullion-production and dividends declared, also the number of persons ordinarily employed, and number of gold-mines and dredges working during the year:—

Cause of Accident. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. Explosion ... ... ... 3 Fall of ground ... ... 3 In shafts ... .... ... 1 Miscellaneous : Underground ... ! ,, On surface ... I 1 About dredges ... ... 6 2 3 2 1 2 6 J. 2 1 3 1 5 2 2 1 5 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 '"s 4 '"2 1 Total, killed ... 14 Number of employees ... ... 8,716 „ persons killed per 1,000 1'60 employed I 7 9,389 0-84 15 8,880 1-69 14 7,651 1-83 15 8,121 1-84 5 7,400 0-67 5 5,239 0-95 I I

Name of Sufferer. Mine. Mine. Nature of Accident. John Fenton .. Coronation (Coromandel).. (19/7/12) Deceased, an experienced, miner, working singly in a surface drive, was killed by a large stone falling from between two clay heads in the roof. The verdict of the Coroner's jury was " accidental death," with a rider that " no tribute should be let in isolated mines unless two miners were engaged at all times," a very reasonable suggestion. Deceased fell through the temporary staging in the pumping compartment of the No. 3 sinking shaft, a distance of 25 ft., to the penthouse below. No one witnessed this accident. The Coroner's jury returned a verdict that no blame was attachable to any one. The two deceased with five other miners were stoping above the No. 6 (750 ft.) level, which connects with the Queen of Beauty main shaft, used for upcast ventilation, pumping, and winding. At the 1,000 ft. level from this shaft extensive crosscutting is being carried out by several companies; during these operations considerable exudations of ground carbon-dioxide and nitrogen gas occasionally occurred. Owing to a temporary cessation of ventilation caused by the blower air-pipes becoming obstructed by water, an accumulation of gas occurred at the 1,000 ft. level, which, when eventually liberated by the restoration of the ven-tilating-current, ascended the upcast shaft and inundated the No. 6 level, above which the deceased and others were stoping. Upon receiving warning these men, in their attempt to regain the main shaft (also used for winding), entered the gaseous No. 6 level and were asphyxiated. The verdict of the Coroner's jury was that the gas came from the 1,000 ft. level, and they added as a rider that in their opinion all stoppages and restarting of the ventilating-blower at the main shaft should be notified to all mines connected therewith ; they recommended to the notice of the Royal Humane Society two miners—Joseph Henry James and Michael Crowley—for heroic conduct in their attempt to rescue deceased and others. This recommendation was given effect to. Deceased, an engineer, was killed while, attending to the top of an elevator-shaft when the elevator was in motion ; at the time deceased was wearing a loosely fitting coat. A cover had been carelessly left off the elevator-shaft, around which the deceased was wound. This was a preventable accident; the deceased was blameworthy for his rash action, and the dredgemaster was lax in leaving the shaft uncovered. No dredge machinery should be oiled or adjusted when in motion ; loose garments should not be worn ; moving parts should be protected by rails or covers. Timothy Higgins .. Waihi Grand Junction (19/12/12) John Williams and May Queen (Thames) Thomas Guv (11/1/12) ■ George Roberts .. Smeaton Dredge (Reefton) (18/3/12)

Production of Bullion, 1912.* (All mines.) Dividends paid, 1912. (By registered companies only.) Number of Persons „ r N , D P b "° £ ordinarily em- Working Mines, ployed. Dredges, and Claims. Quartei-mining ... Dredge mining ... Alluvial mining ... £ 906,189 257,333 266,348 £ 314,9031 38,8411 14,893-11: 3,290 694 1,178 123 87 256 Totals, 1912 1,429,870 368,638 5,162 466 * In addition to the gold produced from the go' " bullion " is used in preference to " gold." f The bullion-production is from 87 dredges, but tt registered companies. The profits of privately owned di ment incomplete. j The bullion-production is from 256 alluvial claims are the property of registered companies. d-mines, silver was ie dividends given an sedges and mines are obtained from them, hence the word 3 only from 28 of these, the property of unobtainable, which renders this state- , but the dividends an 3 only ascertainable from those few that