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On the question being put, it was resolved it the affirmative. Moved by Mr. Hanan, That a full statement of the evidence bearing on the incident be furnished to the House attached to the report. The Chairman ruled that the evidence cannot be attached to the report. The Committee then adjourned until 10.30 a.m. to-morrow. Wednesday, the 23rd Day op October, 1912. The Committee met at 10.30 a.m., pursuant to notice. Present: Mr. Hine (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Allen, Mr. Craigie, Mr. Hanan, Mr. Lee, Mr. Myers, Dr. Newman, Mr. E. Newman, Mr. Pearce, Right Hou. Sir J. G. Ward. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Loans to Local Authorities Inquiry. A letter was received from Mr. Flanagan, member of the State-guaranteed Advances Board, and ordered to be attached to his evidence. The following gentlemen attended the meeting, and, being sworn, gave evidence, and were questioned by members of the Committee : Charles Augustus Cawkwell, Chairman, Waitemata County Council; James Samuel Dickson, member of the House of Representatives for Parnell. Resolved, on the motion of Mr. Lee, That a return be obtained showing—(l) Rate of interest that the Remuera Road Board was paying for overdraft and amount of overdraft on the 2nd November, 1911; (2) amount Remuera Road Board saved by raising £10,000 advance; (3) amount of loss to the Board by reason of having more moneys in hand than that required for current expenditure; (4) amount in hand at this date; (5) current works in hand for which the money is held. Resolved, on the motion of the Right Hon. Sir J. G. Ward, That a return be obtained showing what amount of interest would have been paid by the State-guaranteed Advances Board upon amount of loan that had been advanced to the Remuera Road Board. Resolved, on the motion of the Right Hon. Sir J. G. Ward, That the Remuera Road Board be asked to state the bank balance upon General and Ordinary Account for each day from the Ist November, and the liabilities of the Road Board. Resolved, on the motion of the Right Hon. Sir J. G. Ward, That the Hon. the Minister of Marine be requested to attend and give evidence. The Committee then adjourned until 10.30 a.m. on Thursday, the 24th instant. Thursday, the 24th Day of October, 1912. The Committee met at 10.30 a.m., pursuant to notice. Present : Mr. Hine (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Allen, Mr. Craigie, Mr. Hanan, Mr. Lee, Mr. Myers, Dr. Newman, Mr. E. Newman, Mr. Pearce, Right Hon. Sir J. G. Ward. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Loans to Local Authorities Inquiry. The Right Hon. Sir J. G. Ward asked leave to put in a letter from the Birkenhead Borough Council. Objection being raised, the Chairman ruled that the letter could not be put in. The Right Hon. Sir J. G. Ward gave further evidence. Francis Marion Bates Fisher, Minister of the Crown, Wellington, was sworn, and examined by members of the Committee. Put in exhibit marked " N." The Right Hon. Sir J. G. Ward asked that the Dominion newspaper of the 28th September be referred to the witness. The Chairman ruled that newspaper reports could not be referred to. The Hon. Sir J. G. Findlay, K.C., was recalled, and examined by members of the Committee. J. W. Poynton, Superintendent of the State-guaranteed Advances Department, was recalled, and examined by members of the Committee. The Right Hon. Sir J. G. Ward asked that Colonel R. J. Collins, Auditor and ControllerGeneral, be called. The Hon. Mr. Allen asked leave to put in a letter from Mr. Wright, ex M.P. for Wellington South. Objection being raised, the Chairman ruled that the letter could not be put in. Resolved, That the Chairman do ask leave from the House to sit at 4 p.m. The Committee then adjourned. The Committee resumed at 4 p.m. Present: Mr. Hine (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Allen, Mr. Craigie, Mr. Lee, Mr. Myers, Dr. Newman, Mr. Pearce, Right Hon. Sir J. G. Ward. Robert Joseph Collins, Auditor and Controller-General, attended, was sworn, and examined by members of the Committee. This concluded the evidence. The Press and strangers withdrew, and the Committee deliberated. Resolved, That the Chairman submit a draft report for consideration of the Committee. The Committee then adjourned.