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C— continued. SUMMARIES— continued.

ERINO AND lONG-WOOLS SHOWN SEPARATELY. Males. Females. Totals. Merino .. .. .. .. .. 716,072 928,957 Crossbred and other longwools .. .. 6,185,887 15,919,237 Totals, 1912 .. .. 6,901,959 16,848,194 . 1911 .. .. 6,999,690 16,996,436 Decrease .. .. .. 97,731 148,242 _ L 1,615,029 22,105,124 23,750,153 23,996,126 245,973 Number of Ewes in the Dominion (Stud and Flock). ■)- North Island. South Island. Year. Breeding-ewes. Dry Ewes. Breeding-ewes. Dry Ewes. Bre Breeding-ewes. Dry Ewes. South Island. Dominion. Breeding-ewes. Dry Ewes. 30th April— 1903 .. .. .. 4,319,918 811,061 j 4,751,833 ! 619,502 9 1904 .. .. .. 4,465,292 629,184 4,757,156 413,663 9 1905 .. .. .. 4,859,547 349,191 5,219,687 360,187 10 1906 .. .. .. 5,113,798 481,525 i 5,365,389 ; 451,209 10 1907 .. .. .. 5,472,818 501,494 ! 5,264,028 : 493,508 10 1908 .. .. .. 5,698,865 626,687 ; 5,545,176 540,158 11 1909 .. .. .. 6,356,783 580,092 j 6,013,563 435,167 12 1910 .. .. .. 6,456,509 690,435 i 6,058,871 ; 518,078 12 1911 .. .. .. 6,354,874 751,817 5,969,589 560,643 12 1912 .. .. .. 6,393,460 755,906 ! 5,883,569 ' 579,857 12 9,071,751 9,222,448 10,079,184 10,479,187 10,736,846 11,244,041 12,370,346 12,515,380 12,324,403 12,277,029 1,430,563 1,042,847 709,378 932,734 995,002 1,106,845 1,015,259 1,208,513 1,312,460 1,335,763 i . ' I _ __ Ncmbeb oe Bams, Wethehs, Ewes, and Lambs in the Dominion i Numb: IN SINCE 190 13. (30th April). v Stud Rams, Flock Hams, Wethers, /onuTA™,!, Two-tooth and Two-tooth and Two-tooth and Breeding-ewes. Drv Ewes, (dutn April). 0ver 0vel . 0ver Lambs. Totals. I 1903 .. .. 9,383 205,306 3,232,219 I 9,071,751 1,430,563 5 1904 .. .. 8,220 211,733 2,871,809 9,222,448 1,042,847 4 1905 .. .. 8,333 220,773 2,771,872 10,079,184 709,378 S 1906 .. .. 9,265 232,662 2,788,900 10,479,187 932,734 t 1907 .. .. 11,928 243,574 2,899,763 10,736,846 995,002 e 1908 .. .. 14,902 257,850 3,378,398 11,244,041 1,166,845 C 1909 .. .. 16,060 282,858 3,427,994 12,370,346 1,015,259 6 1910 .. .. 15,068 290,501 3,167,082 12,515,380 1,208,513 7 1911 .. .. 17,275 280,623 3,342,281 12,324,463 1,312,460 C 1912 .. .. 16,155 290,433 3,359,969 12,277,029 1,335,763 t 1903 .. 1904 .. 1905 .. 1906 .. 1907 .. 1908 .. 1909 .. 1910 .. 1911 .. 1912 .. 5,005,331 4,923,749 5,341,335 5,065,723 6,090,659 6,387,017 6,368,190 7,073,076 6,719,024 6,470,804 18,954,553 18,280,806 19,130,875 20,108,471 20,983,772 22,449,053 S3,480,707 24,269,620 23,996,126 23,750,153 Number of Sheep in the Dominion since 1903. sh & Stud and Stud ® < Flock BreedingRams. ewes. o to Stud Dry Ewes. Stud La.mbs. Total Stud Sheep and Flock Earns. Flock Wethers, j B « iheep. Dry Ewes. Lambs. Grand Total Stud and Flock Sheep. 1903 214,689 183,898 1904 219,953 161,205 1905 229,106 192,364 1906 241,927 206,612 1907 255,502 215,528 1908 272,752 230,075 1909 298,918 222,799 1910 305,569 227,187 1911 297,898 229,709 1912 306,588 232,782 15,184 13,049 10,866 11,105 12,773 14,725 14,192 13,943 14,117 11,563 123,878 104,647 120,649 141,319 151,881 157,556 153,948 160,234 163,899 155,49,8 537,149 498,854 552,985 600,963 635,684 675,108 689,857 706,933 705,617 706,431 3,232,219 i 8,888,353 2,871,809 9,061,243 2,771,872 9,886,820 2,788.900 10,272,575 2,899,763 ; 10,521,313 3,378,398 11,013,966 3,427,994 12,147,547 3,167,082 12,288,193 3,342,281 12,094,754 3,359,969 12,044,247 1,415,379 1,029,798 698,512 921,629 982,229 1,152,120 1,001,067 1,194,570 1,298,343 1,324,200 4,881,453 4,819,102 5,220,686 5,524,404 5,944,778 6,229,461 6,214,242 6,912,842 6,555,125 6,315,306 18,954,553 18,280,806 19,130,875 20,108,471 20,9-3,772 22,449,053 23,480,707 24,209,620 23,996,126 23,750,153