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No. of Sheep on No. of Sheep on April 30, 1911. April 30, 1912. April 30,1 April 3i 1911. 1912. April 30, 1912. Ashley County— contnned. Hotchkin, J., Loburn Hughes, T., Southbrook Hunter, Robert, Amberley Hurley, George, Bennett's Hurley, IL, Balcairn lies, Henry, Amberley Inch, David, West Oxford Inch, J., Bennett's Inch, Thomas, East Oxford Ingram, John, 39 Mansfield Avenue, Christchurch Irvine, J. W., Whitnow, Papanui Ivory, William, East Oxford Jack, R. J., Springbank Jackson Bros., Fernside James, J. H., Leithfield James, T. H., Leithfield Jamieson, Henry, Balcairn Jensen, A., Cooper's Creek Johns Bros., Fernside Joyce, John, North Loburn Judson, J., East Oxford Jury, J. W., ClarkeviUe Kelcher, J., Flaxton Kelcher, W. A., Rangiora Kelly, William, Swanuanoa Kennedy, John, Broomfield Kennedy, John, Ngapara, Fernside Kennedy, Murtagh, Loburn Kennedy, Murtie L., jun., Moeraki North, Springbank P.O. Kennedy, Patrick, Fernside Kerr, A. B., Bennett's Kevern, E., EaBt Eyreton King, J. H., North Loburn Kingsbury, E. P., Cust Kingsbury, Robert, Bennett's Kinley, R., Rangiora Kippenberger Bros., Terrace Farm, West Oxford Knight and Cottrell, Mount Grey, Balcairn Lahaor, John, Okuku Lake, M. W., Coldstream, Waikuku Lake, W., Cust Lake, WiUiam, Fern Bank, Cust Land, H. J., Kaiapoi Lane, L. H. (care G. Gould, Ohristchurch), Waikari Lang, Frederick, Saltwater Creek Lang, G., Sefton Larsen, Arnold, Cust Lassen, E., Bexley Lavie, G. S., " Kiwi," Sumner Lawcock, John, Amberley Leaeh, Charles, Swannanoa Lee, G. W. H. (Executors of), The Warren, East Oxford Leech, Charles, Rangiora Leech, F. J., Rangiora Leech, W. H., Rangiora Lewton, James, Amberley Ligget, Robert, Waikuku Lilley, W. H., Cooper's Creek LiUey, G. J., West Oxford Lilley, John, Ashley Bank Lilley, W., Woodstock, Waddington Liasaman, B. L., Kaiapoi Livingstone, W. M., " Craiglee," Sefton Loffhagen, A., Ashley Bank Loffhagen, F., East Oxford Loffhagen, S. J., Ashley Bank Loucey, D., Waikari Luers,' H. F., West Oxford Lyford, A. W., North Loburn Lynskey Bros., Balcairn LynBkey, W., Kaiapoi Macfarlane, Mrs. A. M., Coldstream, Rangiora Macintosh, Hugh, Woodgrove Mackintosh, William, Rangiora Madeley, Thomas, Flaxton Maindonald, H. F., West Eyreton Maindonald, H. E., West Eyreton Mallinson, E., North Loburn Manson, William, Northcote, Fernside Martin, Henry, Bexley 380 163 617 88 229 385 283 881 4180 549 236 71 554 1010 1837 577 75 100 277 182 599 796 568 450 217 150 299 76 264 189 314 1230 3249 102 507 122 132 52 1332 3 278 186 571 199 305 282 567 262 883 Nil 53 277 19 391 503 588 1029 2261 358 947 76 117 360 103 580 556 188 343 236 106 330 76 190 288 866 715 1773 108 Nil 386 398 Nil 1360 Ashley County— continued. Marshall, R., Rangiora .. — Mathers, John W., Pine Farm, Saltwater 152 Creek Matheson, D. G., Fernside .. — May, Frederick, Leithfield ... 60 May, G., Balcairn .. 98 May, H., Leithfield ... 156 McAdam, William, Leithfield ... 220 MoAulay, Donald, Balcairn .. 223 McConnel, R. P., View HiU .. 648 McCracken, J. D., Rangiora .. — McCracken, J. (Exors. of),Hayland, Rangiora] 10263 McDonald, G. B., Cust ... 459 McFarlane, William, Amberley .. 102 McGiffert Bros., Sefton .. 226 McGUlivray, J., West Oxford .. 417 Megowan, Samuel, Sefton .. i 300 McGrath Bros., Cooper's Creek ... 703 McGrath, D., Cooper's Creek .. — McGrath, James, Fernside ... i 28 McGrath, John, West Oxford .. ! 918 McHugh, M, Ohoka ... 255 Mcllwraith, W., Pukeraumati .. ' 50 Mcintosh, Colin, Riverside, West Eyreton.. 320 Mcintosh, Donald, Fernside .. 213 Mcintosh, Hector, Kaiapoi ... 1143 Mcintosh, G., Southbrook .. 154 Molntosh, Robert, Loburn .. 1244 Mcintosh, Thomas F., Hampton, Fernside 178 McKee, R., Bennett's .. i 194 McKee, 8. H., Bexley ... 531 McKibbin, Hugh, Cust ... 189 McLaren, A., Amberley ... 920 McLauchlon, Andrew, Springbank .. 16 McLean, Alexander, Woodburn, Sefton 182 McLean, G. A., Leithfield ... 1880 McLean, G. N., Glasnevin, Amberley ... 2159 McLean, H. H.,Ardross, Amberley ... ! 966 McMaster, A., Ashley Bank 332 McNally, Nicholas, Amberley 550 McNamara, B., Amberley .., 1409 McNamara, D., Balcairn 142 Mehrtens, George, East Oxford ... 215 Mehrtens, George, Ohoka ,. 356 Mehrtens, H., Rangiora ... 255 Merrin, Frank, Coutt's Island .. 57 Meyer, E. W., East Oxford ... 1014 Meyers, A., Cooper's Creek 820 Miles, T., and Sons, Fernside ... 4082 Miller, A. M., North Loburn ... 1245 Miles Bros., Fernside . . 3656 Milne, G., jun., Fernside . 250 Milne, J. G., Fernside .. 480 Millton, E. B., Birch Hill, Rangiora ... 1728 Moody, Charles (Exeoutors of), Woodend.. 604 Moore, John, Balcairn ... 137 Morriss, William, Waikuku .. 166 Mounsey, Mrs. Annie, View Hill ... 438 Mulligan, E. M., Rock Ford ... 1661 Murray, James, Bennett's ... j 265 NankiveU, Charles F., Cust .. ! 7 Neave, F. D., Fernside .. 739 Neil, Miss M. J., Rock Ford 47 Nelson, Hans P., North Loburn .. 1256 Neugeschwender, Mrs. M. B., Fernside ... 51 Nicholls, W. A., Amberley .. 1293 Norris Bros., HorrelvUle ' .. 303 O'Brien, D., Amberley 55 O'Connor, Edward, Loburn 180 O'Connor, John, Balcairn ,. 92 O'Connor, P., Loburn . . — O'Connor, Michael, South Loburn .. — O'FarreU, T. H., HorrelvUle .. | 187 O'HaUoran, John, East Oxford .. — O'HaUoran, John, East Oxford .. — O'HaUoran, John, Glentui, Bennett's ... I 7600 Oldman, V. A., East Eyreton .. 350 O'Loughlin, Michael, Springbank 320 O'Loughlin, Thomas, Springbank 143 O'Malley, James, Ea t Oxford .. 5444 O'Roarke, Mrs. Jane, Fernside ... Paget, J. 0., Bennett's 369 Papps, H. J., East Oxford .. 792 Parish, R. H., East Oxford ... 1600 Parish, R., East Oxford ... 1525 12 125 50 61 126 148 220 175 507 8982 Nil 268 92 64 484 98 Nil 618 Nil 994 216 88 1267 143 1313 70 2317 223 98 405 146 1020 5 1.52 1924 Nil 1765 395 636 2110 195 192 430 125 214 558 738 2788 980 3048 22 126 1484 Nil 190 99 134 1285 252 Nil 511 47 NU Nil 2581 132 94 Nil 45 81 193 143 2018 3296 1210 Nil 184 510 5000 68 257 Nil 1525 1524 228 510 340 2238 165 2833 4960 43 25 453 700 Nil 195 3091 Nil 389 155 14 231 100 40 264 59 1386 1062 390 214 18 52 90 2080 2768 138 493 32 149 2037 235 378 90 788 481 800 Nil 220 21 877 75 Nil 177 Nil 956 1285 815 136 22 73 89 1932 800 Nil 367 14 138 1891 140 336 92 1164 344 694