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APPENDIX B— continued.


Totals. Officers. Men. Total. 792 17,152 17,944 The reason that the total of this return is 113 greater than that of Appendix A is accounted for by the inclusion of some cadets and Post and Telegraph Corps men who attended camps, and of sime men who did a portion of their training at one camp and the rest at another.

Camp. Date. Units. Officers. Men. Camp-site, how obtained. (6.) Casualty Camps— continued. Ashburton May 2-10 8th (South Canterbury) Mounted Rifles No. 1 Field Company, N.Z. Engineers .. 1st (Canterbury) Regiment 2nd (South Canterbury) Regiment Cadets ! 3 i 6 5 68 1 I Given by Agricultural and Pastoral Association. 175 May 2-10 " ! 15 1 244 ■ Given by trustees, Racing Club. O m 6 t o (Greymouth) - ] 13 84 No. 8 Company, N.Z. Garrison Artillery 13th (North Canterbury and Westland) Regiment Cadets - I '2 3 Spring Creek (Blenheim) May 9-17 H Battery, N.Z. Field Artillery 12th (Nelson) Regiment No. 3 Field Ambulance Cadets 5 i 97 6 110 7 Given by Mr. J. C. Chaytor. 7 Wanganui May 17-25 8 123 Putiki Rifle Range, Government property. 7th Regiment (Wellington West Coast Rifles) 3 '172 ; Mastertbn May 17-25 D Battery, N.Z. Field Artillery F Battery, N.Z. Field Artillery 9th Regiment (Wellington East Coast Rifles) No. 4 Field Ambulance .. 1 6 197 Given by Agricultural and Pastoral Association. 4 1 Trentham May 18-26 Wellington Divisional Garrison Artillery No. 4 Field Company, N.Z. Engineers .. 5th Regiment (Wellington Rifles) j Wellington Infantry Brigade Signal Co m pany No. 4 Field Ambulance 4 205 3 3 59 4 Government property. i 1 1 70 Alexandra Military Depot (Wellington) June 7-15 D Battery, N.Z. Field Artillery ; J Battery, N.Z. Field Artillery j 1 22 15 Government property. June 7—15 1 37 Given by Agricultural and Pastoral Association. Palmerston North ! Queen Alexandra's 2nd (Wellington West Coast) Mounted Rifles 6th (Manawatu) Mounted. Rifles 9th (Wellington East Coast) Mounted Rifles I) Battery, N.Z. Field Artillery 7th Regiment (Wellington West Coast Rifles) No. 8 Mounted Field Ambulance ■ • 2 18 23 34 I 6 2 3 85 Given by Mr. McEwan. fvaitati June 7-15 5th Mounted Rifles (Otago Hussars) 7th (Southland) Mounted Rifles 12th (Otago) Mounted Rifles C Battery, N.Z. Field Artillery No. 2 Company, N.Z. Garrison Artillery 4th Regiment (Otago Rifles) 8th Regiment (Southland Rifles) 10th Regiment (North Otago Rifles) .. 14th Regiment (South Otago Rifles) Otago Mounted Signal Company i No. 7 Mounted Field Ambulance 23 5 16 i 1 17 34 2 21 2 1 1 122