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Table 18. —Wholesale Prices of Food : Comparison of 1910 with Two Previous Decades. (Hooker extended).

This table brings out the sympathy of New Zealand with the United Kingdom prices, though the tendency is towards a faster rate of advance. 8. Your Commission has also considered the comparative course of the individual prices of some of the more important foods produced in New Zealand, and present the result in the following table : —

Particular foodstuffs.

Table 19.—Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices of Particular Foodstuffs*. (Base 1890-99 = 100.) (R. H. Hooker, in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, December, 1911, with addition of Dr. McIlraith's index number for New Zealand.)

United Kingdom (Sauerbeck). Prance. Germany. United States of America. Canada. New Zealanc (Mcllraith). .verage, 1890-99 1900-9 1910 1911 100 101 108 110 100 96 101 100 108 125 100 117 134 100 112 128 100 106 109 115

Year. United Kingdom. France. Germany. United States of America. Canada. New Zealand. 1. Wheat. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 Ill 129 105 92 80 80 91 105 118 89 94 93 98 94 99 103 98 106 111 128 110 113 122 103 93 85 85 86 112 113 89 89 90 97 101 98 104 104 106 100 108 116 115 132 104 89 80 84 92 102 109 91 90 96 96 95 103 103 106 122 125 138 125 119 128 105 90 74 80 85 106 118 95 94 96 99 105 138 134 106 121 132 160 146 110 120 104 95 79 93 85 102 121 92 97 97 94 102 119 117 98 114 135 140 129 92 113 117 81 73 86 106 125 124 75 70 71 103 122 92 92 94 110 135 120 107 98 2. Oats. 87 92 98 92 90 83 108 118 134 93 84 94 129 105 80 91 102 136 128 79 97 128 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 106 114 113 107 97 82 85 96 104 97 100 105 115 98 93 99 104 107 101 108 99 Ill 103 87 110 110 89 86 95 111 97 99 113 100 89 86 103 118 109 102 114 108 109 115 104 109 91 84 87 97 106 98 92 97 104 95 93 99 111 126 114 118 106 116 ■ 144 113 105 116 88 67 68 92 91 85 118 147 132 136 111 122 167 189 179 143 141 114 74 92 100 90 67 90 127 106 114 133 121 104 120 120 112 132 130 133 115 * To m >arest- whole lumber.