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No. 5.—Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1912.


Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. _l Cause of Accident, and Remarks. A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Band saw .. ! Cyril Brookes ; 16 years .. j 10th April, 1911; thumb injured W. and G. Donaldson, Golden Point .. Gas-engine .. W. J. Stevenson ; 45 years .. i 20th April, 1911; knee injured .. While cutting hardwood-wedges Brookes's hand came in contact with the band saw, lacerating his right thumb. In attempting to stop the engine in a certain position Stevenson got his knoe crushed through coming into contact with the outer rim of the fly-wheel. When feeding paper through the machine Williamson got the fingers of his left hand crushed with the rollers. While attending to the mill Pemberton's right hand was accident - ally drawn into the machinery and crushed so severely that it had to be amputated. While working the machine Carthy's hand came into contact with the knives, causing injury to his right thumb. Stewart was feeding the durder when he slipped. To save himself he stretched out his right hand, when his thumb was drawn into the, machinery and cut off. McConchie overbalanced himself and fell down the lift-well, and the lift being in motion at the time he was caught by it and severely bruised. Reid allowed his hand to get into contact with the shaping-machine when in motion. Tappin was cleaning the governor of an oil-engine while the engine was in motion, when a projecting pin came into contact with the middle finger of his right hand, fracturing it. Mardell got his leg entangled in a belt, and he was drawn up and around the shafting. One of his legs was so severely injured that it had to be amputated. The tool McNarry was grinding slipped between the grindstone and the board protecting it, causing injury to his thumb. McGirr fell down the lift-well and injured his back. He opened the door at the landing leading to the cage of the lift, and thinking the cage was there he stepped out and fell to the bottom of the well. While planing a piece of timber Clisby's hand slipped and came in contact with the bottom cutters of the machine, when several fingers of his right hand were badly lacerated. Carson was feeding the machine when his hand got in between the impression-plate and the fixed type-frame. His hand was so severely crushed that it had to be amputated. Kellett's hand was injured through coming into contact with the saw. While working at the drag saw Simmons allowed his hand to come into contact with it, when the thumb and part of the index finger of his right hand were cut off. Tunnicliff's hand got in between the saws, causing the loss of three of the fingers of his right hand. While engaged sawing wood Stone's finger came in contact with the saw. | ; N. Z. Paper Mills (Limited), Auckland. . Paper-making .. \ James Williamson : 21 years .. | 29th April, 1911 ; lingers injured I Wilson's Portland Cement Company Tube-mill .. J. E. Pemberton ; 30 years . . i 29th April, 1911 : hand crushed .. (Limited), Warkworth James McAndrew and Co., Paeroa .. Chain-mortiser .. Thomas Carthy ; 19 years .. : 1st May, 1911 : thumb injured .. George Kent and Son, Newmarket .. , Dough-durder .. Alfred Stewart : 19 years .. 1st May, 1911 ; thumb cut off Maurice Lyons, Christchurch.. .. Goods-lift .. L. .McConchie ; 24 years .. 3rd May, 1911 ; body bruised A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Shaping .. .. Herbert Reid; 21 years .. 9th May, 1911 ; finger hurt Wilson's Portland Cement Company Governor on engine George Tappin ; 29 years .. 14th May, 1911 ; finger injured .. (Limited), Warkworth C. H. Jones, Wellington .. .. Flour mixing .. Charles Mardell; 21 years .. 16th May, 1911 ; leg amputated .. Mataura Implement Works, Mataura .. Grindstone .. William McNarry ; 22 years .. 29th May, 1911 ; thumb injured .. Phelps, Wilson, and Co., Wellington .. Electric lift .. Douglas McGirr : 16 years .. 6th June, 1911 ; back injured City Sawmills (Limited), Dunedin .. Planing .. .. John Clisby ; 45 years .. 7th June, 1911 ; fingers injured .. Keeling and Mundy, Palmerston North.. Printing .. .. Frank Carson ; 16 years' .. 14th June, 1911 ; hand amputated James McAndrew and Co., Paeroa .. Sash-mortiser .. David Kellett; 30 years .. 20th June, 1911 ; hand injured .. Kauri Timber Company (Limited), Kohu- Drag saw .. George Simmons ; 20 years .. 23rd June, 1911 ; thumb and finger kohu cut off Henry Tunnicliff, Dovedale .. .. Sawmill travelling- j F. M. Tunnielifi ; 48 years .. 29th June, 1911 ; fingers severed.. bench S. Kirkpatriek and Co. (Limited), Nelson Circular saw .. i Charles Stone ; 17 years .. 14th July, 1911 ; finger cut