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Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.


Date of Casualty. Vessel's Name, Age, and Class. •h to Number of Nature of e of Casualty. Number ot Lives lost. Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. Finding of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. tea i| Passenu gers. Cargo. 1611. „ 26 Canterbury, s.s., | Dredge 521 1 year Nil ! i i 521 19 Stranded; trifling damage Cape Ras Shukhair, S.W. Red Sea S.W. Light .. , The master steered an inside course to avoid J. Stewart, heavy sea, and the land was obscured by a sandstorm Fresh j Passing between the islands near Port F. W. Baron. breeze j Chalmers the tide carried the vessel out of her course, and she struck the shore, but suffered no damage I Light .. } A bale of cotton was found to be on fire, but j S. Vint, was promptly got out of the hold. Trifling damage to cargo. Fire probably caused by i spark from funnel, the hatch being open for ventilation Strong 1 The Court found that the master did not use I C. Vendore. such vigilance as was expected of him, but not to the extent of rendering himself so . culpably negligent as to warrant the suspension of his certificate, but he was ordered to pay the cost of the inquiry, £24 13s. Moderate When the vessel was leaving Tairua the wind i G. Davis, dropped and she touched the rocks Light .. The port tail-shaft carried away inside the ! ,T. Corbett. stern bush Light .. Crank-shaft carried away ; vessel towed back i E. H. S. Goertz. to Ohiwa Moderate Slide valve-spindle broke .. .. : W. Bettis. „ 30 Waipori, s.s.. 10 Schooner 1,229 years 1,229 General Otago Harbour ... S.W. S.W. 27 Stranded; no ; damage „ 31 Aparima, s.s., 9 | Schooner 3,684 years 3,684 85 96 General Fire ; no damage to ship 23 miles north-east*"of >S.E. Cape Maria Van Diemen S.E. ! I i .... 1912. Jan. 10 Jane Douglas, j Schooner 75| s.s., 37 years j 75 General Stranded; total loss Stephens Passage. Cook i S.E. Strait ! ! i i i I - 1 „ 13 Lena Gladys, 2 Ketch .. 24 years „ 20 Waitangi, s.s., Cutter .. 34 23 years „ 22 Chelmsford, s.s., Schooner 79 26 years ,, 23 Rotomahana, j Schooner 139 s.s., 36 years j „ 25 i Flora, s.s., 30 j Schooner 838 years 3 9 12 Timber Nil 20 Nil _ _ i Stranded; trifling damage Broken shaft; damage, £25 Broken shaft; damage, £40 Broken valve; trifling accident Collision with wharf; trifling damage Stranded; trifling damage Stranded; no damage Fire; trifling damage Tairua .. .. S.E. Off Hen and Chickens S. W. 7 miles off Ohiwa . . : W. 11 30 I General Auckland Harbour .. ] S.W. Oamaru Wharf .. S. I General Moderate When berthing she struck the top of a moor- J. W. H. Holmes. ing post and damaged a plate ■ General .. Nil Patea River . . | N. Feb. 13 Kapuni, s.s., 2 Schooner 97 years 10 Light ... A link of the steering-chain broke, and the W. Mcintosh. vessel bumped into a stone wall on the ! river bank ; Strong The vessel being light the westerly set carried . W. Mcintosh. her against the end of the eastern wall Fresh ! Fire broke out in general cargo, causing slight ■ E. J. Harvey. breeze ■ damage to lining of hold „ 20 Kapuni, s.s., 2 Schooner 97 years 20 Queen of the Schooner 121 South, s.s., 35 years Mar. 2 Ngapuhi, s.s., 12 Schooner 299 vears 3 Defender, s.s., 9 Ketch .. 109 years „ 5 Pupuke, s.s., 3 Barge .. 68 years 10 Patea Biver . . W.S.W. Wellington Harbour N.W. 13 | General i 31 70 Loss of propeller, £40 Broken shaft; damage, £50 Collision with wharf; damage, £50 Collision with hulk; trifling damage Limestone Island, | E.N.E. Whangarei Off Stephen Island . . j S.E. Moderate | The port propeller struck some floating object E. Stephenson. and was carried away Gale .. j The vessel was labouring in a heavy sea when j J. Jamieson. the tail-shaft broke Moderate j The collision was caused by the default of the : T. Braidwood. gale engineer, who was a new hand, in failing to I carry out the master's orders Moderate \ When coming to anchor the vessel touched j F. Jensen, gale the ground, and control being lost she bumped into the hulk " Terranora "' 12 General 4 * | Nil Northeote Ferry Wharf, N.E. Auckland Nil „ (i | Korora, 7 years | Schooner 160 Freeman's Bay. Auck- ] N. land I ! I j I I * Not known.