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H.—l In

(2.) Trades in which Increased Wages or Shorter Hours (generally) have been fixed — continued.

3—H. 11d.

i Hours. Wages. Trade. District. Years of First and iast Awards. From To From To I To i Yamways (electric) Auckland (City) Stationary 8 per day Trackmen : lljd. per hour | 1/ per hour Others: Stationary Motormen : 1/ per hour l/0f to 1/2| per hour All motormen, according to length of service. Conductors : lOJd. per hour lljd to I/Of per hour All conductors, according to length of service. Car cleaners and greasers : lljd. per hour | 1/ per hour Car-equipment adjusters : 1/1J per hour j 1/2 per hour Leading linemen : 1/3 per hour | 1/3 J per hour Assistant linemen : 1/1 J per hour | 1/2 per hour Track-cleaners : lljd. per hour | 1/ per hour Permanent-way men : F/OJ per hour | 1/1 per hour Horse-drivers : lljd. per hour | 1/ per hour Powerhouse, firemen, greasers, and handymen : 1/ per hour | 1/1 per hour Motormen : 1/1 to 1/15 1/1 to l/2f per hour per hour Conductors : lljd. to 1/ I lljd. to 1/0J per hour | per hour Car-equipment adjusters : 1/1 to 1/lf V 1 t0 V 2 per hour per hour Powerhouse greasers : 1/2 per hour | l/2f per hour Permanent-way repairers : 1/ to 1/lJ I !/!£ P er honr per hour | Car-cleaners : 1/ per hour | 1/ to 1/0,5 Emergency linemen : 65/ [ 67/6 Pointsmen : 55/ I 57/6 Powerhouse trimmers : 1/ per hour | 1/1 f per hour Trackmen : I/Of per hour | 1/1 per hour Motormen : 1/ to 1/lf I I/Of to 1/2J per hour | per hour Conductors : lOfd. to 1/ 1/ to I/Of per hour per hour Car-examiners : I/Of per hour | 1/1J per hour Linemen : 1/ per hour | 1/lf per hour All other hands stationary Engine-drivers : 54/ to 60/ 10/ per day 1904,1909* >> Can terbury (Christchurch) Stationary 9 per day 1907, 1911 Wellington (City) .. Stationary 1905, ]911 i 5? ?> Otago and Southland (Dunedin) Stationary 8 8 1908, 1912 „ (cable cars) Otago and Southland (Dunedin) Engine-drivers : 57 8 per day 1902, 1912 Typographers Gripmen, conductors, and motormen, 52 52 Gripmen : 48/ 1/1 J to 1/2J per hour Conductors : 30/ to 42/ 1/ to I/Of per hour Car-repairers : \/\\ per hour | 1/2J- per hour Linemen and greasers : 1/ per hour | I/Of per hour Day operators : 66/ I 70/ Night operators : 72/ I 76/ Day compositors : 60/ I 65/ Night compositors : 66/ I 70/ Northern (Auckland City) Stationary 42 42 1905, 1908 ♦ Award not now in force.