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No. 43. The Manager in the Pacific, Pacific Cable Board (at Auckland), to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Auckland, 4th March, 1912. Pacific Cable Board advises Western Union prepared establish deferred system between Australasia and United States via Pacific. What date do you propose service should begin 1 Suggest fifteenth instant. This will allow time final arrangements be made. [P.C. Rates 12/108.]

No. 44. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Manages in the Pacific, Pacific Cable Board (at Auckland). (Telegram.) Wellington, sth March, 1912. Fifteenth will suit us for date to commence deferred system between New Zealand and United States.

No. 45. The Manager in the Pacific, Pacific Cable Board (at Auckland), to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Auckland, 14th March, 1912. Both Western Union and Postal Telegraph companies have agreed adopt deferred plain-language scheme between New Zealand and United States America, from fifteenth instant. Rates in all cases exactly half, but strictly confined to United States and Canada; Alaska does not adhere. Both Western Union and Postal reserve right to withdraw from arrangement if found unsatisfactory. [P.O. Rates 12/126.]


No. 46. The High Commissioner to the Right Hon. the Prime Minister. (Telegram.) London, 16th November, 1911. Press cables. It is proposed to bring into force from Ist January next deferred rate, 4jd. word, liable to delay of twelve hours; this allowing Atlantic 2jd., Pacific l|d., New Zealand or Australia word. Do you approve? [P.C. Press 11/49.]

No. 47. The Right Hon. the Prime Minister to the High Commissioner. (Telegram.) Wellington, 18th November, 1911. Deferred Press cable rates : New Zealand agreeable accept halfpenny word. [P.C. Press 11/51.]

No. 48. The Manager in the Pacific, Pacific Cable Board, Sydney, to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Sydney, 6th December, 1911. Pacific Cable Board advises to-day reduced rates for deferred Press telegrams between Australasia and United Kingdom take effect from to-morrow; rate fourpence halfpenny for Press messages, subject to delay of eighteen hours. Canadian Australasia Press rates remain unaltered; anyway, till Board meets on 12th. [P.C. Press 11/54.] ■

No. 49. ; . The High Commissioner to the Right Hon. the Prime Minister. (Telegram.) London, 6th December, 1911. With reference to my telegram of 16th November, deferred Press cables, rates will come into operation fully lath December, but cables via Western Union, Anglo-American, and Direct United States companies can be sent from this end forthwith. Postmaster-Genera] has anticipated date pf commencement. [P.O. Press 11/80.]