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7. Mates. —The terminal and land and submarine cable transit rates in the case of deferred telegrams are reduced uniformly by 50 per cent. When a deferred telegram is diverted in consequence of an interruption of route, the rates which are shared pro rata are half those which would accrue to the different administrations for a telegram charged for at the full rate if it were similarly diverted. 8. Application of Full Ordinary Bate to Irregular Telegrams. —The telegraph administrations reserve the right to refuse at the reduced rate any telegram which in their opinion is not in accordance with the foregoing conditions. When the delivery office observes that a telegram bearing one of the supplementary instructions L C F or LCD does not comply with these conditions, the telegram is treated in the same way as one containing irregular combinations. 9. Order of Transmission —Deferred telegrams are only transmitted after non-urgent private telegrams and Press telegrams. Those which have not reached their destination within a period of twenty-four hours from the time of handing in are transmitted in turn with telegrams charged for at the full rate. 10. Delivery. —Telegrams at reduced rates are delivered in turn with telegrams at full rates. 11. Special Services. —Telegrams at reduced rates may bear any of the supplementary instructions except that relating to urgency. The rates applicable to the various special services desired by the sender of a deferred telegram (paid service telegrams, conditions of delivery, R.P., T.C., &c.) are the same as in the case of ordinary telegrams. The corresponding supplementary instructions are charged for at the reduced rate. Telegraph money-orders and maritime telegrams are not admitted at the reduced rate. 12. Reimbursement. —The period for reimbursement on account of delay in the case of a deferred telegram is in every case fixed at three times twenty-four hours. 13. Accounts, —The accounts are drawn up in accordance with the conditions set forth in Article LXXVI of the International Regulations, each word in a deferred telegram being counted as half a word. li. General Conditions. —Telegrams at reduced rates are subject to all the conditions of the International Regulations which do not conflict with the foregoing conditions.

No. 35. The Right Hon. the Prime Minister to the High Commissioner. Sir, — Prime Minister's Office, Wellington, 21st December, 1911. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 27th October last, in reference to the proposal for the establishing of a system of deferred cable messages between New Zealand and Australia. I confirm my cable message of the 30th October last approving of the proposal, and acknowledge the receipt of your cable message of the 30th ultimo. The Commonwealth Government will be communicated with in the matter. I have, &c, J. G. Ward, Prime Minister. The Hon. Sir Wm. Hall-Jones, K.C.M.G., High Commissioner for New Zealand, London. [P.O. Rates 11/287.]

No. 36. The Secretary, General Post Office, London, to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. (Telegram.) London, 22nd December, 1911. Referring to proposals for half-rate telegrams in plain language, it has been suggested to Post-master-General that, in addition to" service between British dominions on one hand and United Kingdom on other hand, it would be advantageous to arrange for introduction of scheme also on Ist of January in service between dominions themselves where full rate is not less than tenpence a word, as well as between dominions and United States of America, Germany and German colonies of Togo, Cameroons, South-west Africa, and East Africa; also wish to introduce scheme in service to and from British dominions and United States of America on Ist of January. Post-master-General would be glad to learn that you can arrange to accept half-rate telegrams from other British dominions, from United States of America, and from Germany and German colonies terminal and transit on and from Ist of January, and if possible to accept at your offices half-rate telegrams to the same destinations. Please reply by telegraph. Names of dominions accepting this proposal will be telegraphed to you later. [P.O. Bates 11/289.]

No. 37. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington, to the Secretary, General Post Office, London. (Telegram.) Wellington, 23rd December, 1911. New Zealand agrees proposal half-rate telegrams dominions and other countries named. [P.O. Rates 11/291.]