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[Read here Enclosure 3 in No. 53.]

No. 20. Ihe Hon. the Acting Prime Minister to the High Commissioner. (Telegram.) Wellington, 28th June, 1911. I am advised date of introduction of deferred-cable rate not yet fixed, and unlikely that arrangements will be made in near future. What is now causing hitch 1 Understood all difficulties had been overcome. [P.O. Rates 11/166.]

No. 21. The High Commissioner to the Right Hon. the Prime Minister. (Telegram.) London, 29th June, 1911. With reference to your telegram of the 28th June, deferred cables : arrangements should permit introduction shortly. Will advise later. [P.C. Rates 11/168.]

No. 22. The High Commissioner to the Right Hon. the Prime Minister. (Telegram.) London, 3rd August, 1911. With reference to proposed Is. 6d. per word deferred cables between United Kingdom and New Zealand, do you agree terminal charge for New Zealand being half present rate for deferred cables only? [P.C. Rates 11/201.]

No. 23. The Right Hon. the Piumb Minister to the High Commissioner. (Telegram.) Wellington, sth August, 1911 New Zealand agrees terminal charge deferred messages being half present rate. [P.C. Rates 11/205.]

No. 24. The High Commissioner to the Right Hon. the Prime Minister. Westminster Chambers, 13 Victoria Street, London S.W., Sir, — 11th August, 1911. In continuation of my letter of the 3rd instant [not printed], I have the honour to state that on the sth instant I received, in reply to my message of the 3rd idem, the following cablegram from you [No. 23] . I have accordingly conveyed to the Board this concurrence of the Government in a letter of which a copy is annexed. I have, &c, Wμ. Hall-Jones. The Right Hon. the Prime Minister, Wellington, New Zealand. [P.C. Rates 11/230.]

Enclosure in No. 24. The Secretary to the High Commissioner's Department, London, to the London Manager and Secretary, Pacific Cable Board, London. Sir, — 13 Victoria Street, London S.W., 10th August, 1911. In reply to your letter of the 24th ultimo [not printed], on the subject of deferred cable messages at reduced rates between the United Kingdom and New Zealand, and your Board's desire to receive on behalf of the New Zealand Government an assurance that the modifications