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POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. c Length of I • Date of Length of Service .• a Name Position Annninf Service on under P.S.C. h „ , I am Position. A £ p a 0 n l ? t_ Slst March, and S. Act, A Remarks. | ment. lm . 190 8, on 31st $ March. 1912. Eighth Class.—From £50 to £110, by F"our Annual Increments of £15 each, with Lodging-allowance of £26 for the First Year, £20the Second, and £12 the Third, when Officer stationed from Home— continued. Y. M. D. Y. M. I). £ 263 Edwards, E. J. .. . . Cadet .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 4 9 7 95 From 4/7/12; CS. Sn. Ex., 1912. 264 Dawson, S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/12/08 3 4 0 1 011 80 From 21/3/13; L.A.,£12. 265 Walden, H. L. .. .. „ .. ... .. 23/6/07 49 8 59 2 110 From 23/6/12. 266 Norris, W. D. P. .. .. .. .. 5/7/09 28 27 10 5 80 From 27/3/13; L.A., £12. 267 Bateman, P. L. '.. .. .. 18/12/07 4 314 6 223 UO From 18/12/12. 268 Walker, M. R. .. . . „ .. .. .. 3/12/09 2 329 1 0 0 65 CS. Jn. Ex., 1910. 269 Harbison, W. T. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 4 919 80 From 11/3/13; L.A., £12. 270 Hardie, E. C .. . . „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 110 3 65 From 4/4/12. 271 Williams, N. P. .. .. .. -.» 23/9/07 4 6 9 6 5 2 UO From 23/9/12. 272 Kennedy, J. W. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 3 610 80 From 11/4/12; CS. Jn. Ex., 1910. 273 Weller, J. R. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 4 4 8 80 From 1/12/12; L.A. £12. 274 Day, L. A. .. .. . „ .. .. .. 7/12/08 3 325 0 1113 65 From 18/4/12; OS. Jn. Ex., 1910. 275 Bate, A. E. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/11 13 0 0 1113 65 From 18/4/12; L.A., £20; CS. Jn. Ex., 1910. 276 White, S. L „ .. .. .. 11/2/09 3 118 011 9 65 From 22/4/12; L.A., £20: CS. Jn. Ex., 1909. 277 Purcell, W. K. .. .. .. .. .. 21/6/07 4 910 4 910 110 From 21/6/12 278 Green, I. S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 24/12/07 4 3 8 6 2 0 110 From 24/12/12. 279 Spragg, G. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 19 4 80 From 27/6/12; L.A., £12. 280 Bates, R. P. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 5 16 95 From 1/12/12. 281 Hunt, V. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 9/5/08 310 23 1 4 0 80 282 Anstis, E. W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 15/1/08 4 217 4 217 110 From 15/1/13. 283 McGiven, C. W. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 ■■*) 4 1116 95 From 13/6/12; CS. Sn. Ex., 1912. 284 White, W. J. .. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 1/9/08 3 7 0 Oil 0 65 From 1/5/12. 285 Downey, J. F. .. .. Cadet .. .. .. 18/4/10 111 13 0 110 65 286 Geddes, J. H. Z. . . .. .. .. 18/8/10 1 714 011 0 65 From 1/5/12; L.A., £20: CS. Jn. Ex., 1909. 287 Pickering, G. B. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 7 918 95 288 Foster, F. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 010 28 65 From 4/5/12. 289 Berry, A. E. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/5/08 311 0 010 28 65 290 Dunbar, P. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 510 19 95 From 11/8/12. 291 Ryan, F. -N. .. .. Cadet and Assistant Despatch 14/1/08 4 218 6 317 110 From 14/1/13. Clerk 292 Pawelka, J. A. .. - Cadet ... .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 4 525 65 From 18/5/12. 293 Jack, E. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 4 524 65 From 19/5/12. 294 McEvoy, J. N. .. .-. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 5 1112 80 From 20/7/12; L.A.,£12. 295 Evans, W. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/09 3 3 0 010 0 65 From 1/6/12. 296 May, E. P. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 4 817 65 From 5/6/12 ; L.A., £20. 297 O'Leary, P. C. S. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 6 017 95 From 1/8/12. 298 Stephen, E. A. .. .. „ . . .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 5 021 80 From 19/4/12. 299 Campbell, R. J... .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 12/1/09 3 220 0 922 65 From 9/6/12; L.A., £20. 300 Riddell, R. .. .. Cadet .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 4 7 6 95 From 6/3/13. 301 Creelman, C. .. .. .. .. .. 1/12/08 3 4 0 0 915 65 From 16/6/12. 302 Houston, T. .. .. „ .. .. .. 18/11/07 4 413 4 4 1.3 UO From 18/11/12; CS. Jn. Ex., 1910. 303 Shrimpton, J. W. S. .. „ .. .. .. 19/6/11 0 912 0 912 65 From 19/6/12; CS. Jn. Ex., 1910. 304 Dunn, C .. .. .. .. .. 22/8/10 1 710 0 9 3 65 From2B/6/12; L.A.,£20; CS. Jn. Ex., 1909. 305 Edlin, A. .. .. ~ .. ~ .. 1/10/08 3 6 0 3 6 0 80 From 1/12/12; L.A., £12. 306 Amos, A. J. W. .. „ .. .. .. 8/11/07 4 423 5 510 80 From 1/8/12; L.A., £12. 307 Howard, F. D.. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 4 821 80 From 18/7/12. 308 Walker, D. J. B. .. „ .... .. 26/7/09 286 090 65 From 1/7/12; L.A., £20. CS. Jn. Ex., 1910. 309 Blackie, I. D. P. .. .. .. .. 9/3/08 4 023 7 120 UO From 9/3/13. 310 James, J. H. L... .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 0 824 65 From 8/7/12; L.A., £20. 311 Ingpen, E. E. .. .. „ .. .. .. 13/1/08 4 219 4 219 UO From 13/1/13. 312 Sullivan, J. F. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 5 321 80 From 27/4/12; L.A.,£12. 313 Marshall, D. . . .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/07 5 0 0 5 0 0 110 314 Fredericks, H. S. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 5 218 65 From 29/5/12; L.A., £20. 315 Semple, A. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 110 6 65 From 1/8/12; L.A., £20. 316 Grierson, J. G. .. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 4 7 6 65 „ „ 317. Scott, J. S. .. .. Cadet .. .. .. 18/5/08 310 14 1 716 80 From 16/8/12; L.A.,£12. 318 Winger, J. A. N. .. .. .. .. 7/4/10 11124 11124 65 From 7/4/12. Reapptd. 319 Minnis, H. W. .. .. .. .. .. 4/6/07 4 927 7 1 0 UO From 4/6/12. 320 Brown, J. A. R. . . „ .. .. .. 8/6/08 3 923 0 718 65 From 14/8/12. 321 Storey, M. .. .. „ .. .. .. 16/10/07 4 516 6 114 110 From 16/10/12. 322 Beveridge, C J... .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 11115 80 From 1/2/13. 323 McLennan, K. . . . . „ .. .. ~ 1/4/08 4 0.0 111 6 80 From 1/12/12. 324 Campbell, P. G.. . .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 4 613 65 From 1/9/12; L.A., £20. 325 Darby, T. L. .. .. „ .. .. .. 18/5/07 410 14 610 16 95 From 18/5/12. 326 Maxwell, CG. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 3 520 80 From 18/5/12; L.A.,£12. 327 Hallett, A. S. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 5 417 95 From 1/9/12.' 328 Davis, G. H. .. .. „ ~ ... ... 1/4/08 4 0 0 4 6 6 95 From 3/3/13. 329 Calder, K. M. .. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 21/6/09 2 910 0 620 65 From 11/9/12; L.A., £20. 330 McLaren, C. A. .. .. Cadet .. .. .. 9/4/08 3 1122 3 1122 95 From 9/4/12. 331 Rau, W. J. .. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 1/4/08 4 0 0 13 9 65 From 16/9/12; L.A.,£20,