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Consolidated Fund— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. FOR SERVICES IN EXCESS OF VOTES. Brought forward . ■ j ; i 20,332 3 I Final Charges. Advances. Total. Class I, Legislative Departments.- £ s d. Vote 2—House of Representatives . . 272 17 2 „ 3—General Expenses .. 1,911 13 7 Class III. Post and Telegraph Department, - Vote 12—Conveyance of Mails by Sea 10,464 1 6 „ 14—Carriage of Mails by Railway 336 9 4 ,, 15—Maintenance of Telegraph and Telephone Lines .. 12 9 11 „ 16—Miscellaneous Services .. 15,881 14 3 Class V. Public Buildings, Domains, and Maintenance of Roads, — Vote 20—Maintenance and Improvement of Roads .. .. 2,448 16 6 Class VII. Justice Department,— Vote 26—Department of Justice .. 48 17 2 „ 29—Supreme Court .. .. 50 15 2 „ 31—Magistrates' and Wardens' Courts .. .. 735 0 2 „ 33—Coroners .. .. 243 18 5 ., 34—Justice : Miscellaneous Services .. .. .. 3,409 0 8 „ 36 —Cook Islands Administration 249 13 8 „ 37—Police Department .. 143 2 11 „ 38—Police: Miscellaneous Services 383 8 9 Class IX. Department of Internal Affairs, — Vote 46—Ministers' Secretaries .. 2 10 0 „ 49 —Registrar-General's Office .. 351 10 4 „ 50—Electoral.. .. .. 14,065 10 11 „ 51—High Commissioner's Office.. 1,329 7 4 „ 55 —Bacteriological Laboratory .. 21 15 2 „ 56 —Printing and Stationery .. 104 5 2 „ 58—Homes for Defectives . . 1113 Class XII. Department of Labour, — Vote 73 —Department of Labour .. 991 3 4 Class XIII. Department of Lands and Survey,— Vote 76—Valuation .. .. 2,015 5 0 Class XIV. Department of Agriculture, Commerce, and Tourists, — Vote 78—Tourists .. .. .. 911 110 Class XV. Education Department, — Vote 82—Manual and Technical Instruction .. .. 939 16 0 ., 89—Industrial Schools.. .. 1,594 19 1 „ 91—School Buildings, Furniture and Sites .. .. 2,438 18 1 „ 92—Junior Cadets .. .. 322 19 1 125 11 8 : 642 12 6 272 17 2 1,911 13 7 10,464 1 6 336 9 4 12 9 11 I 15,881 14 3 ; 2,448 16 6 48 17 2 176 6 10 735 0 2 I 243 18 5 3,409 0 8 249 13 8 ; 785 15 5 383 8 9 2 10 0 351 10 4 14,065 10 11 1,329 7 4 21 15 - 2 | 104 5 2 1 11 3 j 991 3 4 52 1 4 52 1 4 2,067 6 4. 387 5 7 387 5 7 1,298 7 5 50 II 9 50 II 9 ■ 939 16 0 1,645 10 10 10 0 0 10 0 0 2,438 18 1 332 19 1 £61,682 11 9 1,268 2 10 - 1,268 2 10 62,950 14 7 62,950 14 7 Total Consolidated Fund £83,282 17 8 £83,282 17 8