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Bourne, Part I. Geometry—Hall „nd Stevens's School Geometry, Parts I and 11, with practical introduction. Latin—Scott and Jones's First Course and part of Second Course. French —Chardenal, I ; Hogben's Methode Naturelle. Chemistry—Roscoe and Lunt's Inorganic Chemistry for Beginners. Book-keeping—Thornton's First Lessons. Physiology —Murche.

MARLBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL. Staff. Mr. J. Innes, M.A., LL.D. : Mr. J. H. Goulding, B.A. ; Mr. L. J. Wild, B.A. ; Miss M. C. Ross, M.A. : Miss E. M. Allen, M.A. 1. Report of the Board of Governors. I beg to submit the following brief report on the work of the Marl borough High School for the year ending the 31st December, 1911 : — The roll-number for the year showed an increase on that of previous years, fifty new pupils being admitted. On the other hand, owing largely to the demand for boys for oflice-work, a greater number than usual left during the year. Seven pupils passed the Matriculation Examination ; one kept second year's University terms and sat for the first section of the B.A. degree ; and one sat for the Barrister's General Knowledge Examination. The additions to the school building have made it much more commodious, and enable the frequent moving of classes from room to room to be avoided. The new science-room is one of the best designed in the Dominion. The advantages of the school would be more extended if provision were made for the boarding of country pupils. At present, however, the financial position of the Board will not permit this. This year a class has been formed for agriculture. The number of pupils joining it is very satisfactory, and the class evidently takes a great interest in the work. For the purpose of practical work a section adjoining the school-ground has been leased, [t is hoped to extend the benefits of the study of agriculture by undertaking work somewhat outside the school course, but of general benefit to the community. The School cadets are now under the new scheme of military training. The number of parades required seems unduly large, and it is also necessary to keep the boys for some time after the ordinary school hours in order to make up the full hour. The library has been increased considerably, and a large and interesting collection of geological specimens has been presented to the school by the late Mr. A. J. Litchfield. R. McCallum, Chairman. 2. Work of the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. —English —Nesfield's Grammar, Past and Present, and Aids; Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Primer ; Specimens of Old English ; Wilson's Literature ; Chaucer's Prologue ; Shakespeare's Tempest and King Lear ; Thackeray's Humourists ; composition and essay-writing. Latin —Bradley's Arnold's Latin Prose Composition ; Bradley's Aids ; selections from Ramsay's Composition, Vol. II ; Cicero, Philippic, II ; Virgil, iEneid, Book IV ; sight; Roman History and Antiquities. French —Wellington College French Grammar ; Advanced French. Composition ; sight translation ; Athalie ; Le Medecin Malgre Lvi; Colomba ; Charles XII. Mathematics, heat, and botany—As for University Junior Scholarship. Lowest. —English —Nesfield's Outlines and Junior Composition ; Meiklejohn's Spelling ; Tales of Wonder (Blackie) ; Burial March of Dundee ; Edinburgh after Flodden ; Pied Piper ; Morte d'Arthur ; Lady of Shalott (Blackie's Smaller English Classics). Geography —Arnold's Handbooks, Nos. 2, 4, 5. History —Tout's History, to Henry VII. Arithmetic—Pendlebury's New School Arithmetic, to stocks. Algebra —Baker and Bourne, to the end of simple problems. Geometry —Hall and Stevens, Part I. Latin —Bell's Illustrated Latin Course, Parts I and II; Scalee Primse. French —Dent's First French Book. Botany —Introdwctory study. Physics — Gregory's Exercise - book. Bookkeeping —Jackson's Elementary Book-keeping. Woodwork (for boys). Cookery and Needlework (for girls). Agriculture (alternative with Latin) —Introductory course on lines of Civil Service Junior syllabus.

NELSON COLLEGE. Staff. Boys' College.— Mr. H. L. Fowler, M.A. ; Mr. G. J. Lancaster, M.A. ; Mr. C. H. Broad, B.A. ; Mr. J. G. McKay. B.A. ; Mr J. C. Pope, M.A. ; Mr. C. H. McKay ; Mr. A. E. Brockett; Mr. H. P. Kidson, M.A. : Mr. A. S. Lawrence': Mr. W. S. Hampson ; Mr. F. F. C. Hiddleston. Girls' College. —Miss M. Lorimer, M.A. ; Miss F. M. Kirton, M.A. ; Miss M. McEachen ; Miss A. Eastwood, M.A. ; Miss E. B. Baxter; Miss C. M. Farrow; Miss E. M. Hind, M.A. ; Miss E. F. Chisholm. 1. Report of the Board of Governors. The average number of boys in attendance was 203, and the average number of boarders 95. The proportion of free pupils continues to rise, being 80 per cent, this year (1911). The general health of the pupils was excellent.