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NAPIER HIGH SCHOOL. Staff. Boys , School—Mi. A. S. M. Poison, B.A. ; Mr E. W. Andrews, B.A. ; Mr. W. Kerr, M.A. ; Mr. G. Mclntosh : JVTr. W. P.P. Gordon, B.A. ; Mr. H. V. Phillips ; Mr. J. Meßae ; Mr. H. J. Clemanoe. Girls , School— Miss V. M. Greig, M.A., B.So. ; Miss C. R, Kirk, B.A. ; Miss J. 0. Gillies ; Miss E. H. Gunn, 8.A.; Miss H. Dalrymple, B.A. ; Miss M. Wilson, M.A. ; Miss G. Duncan ; Miss S. Rutherford. 1. Report of the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors have to report that the attendance at the schools has been well sustained and that satisfactory progress continues to be made. The Governors have found it necessary to enlarge the room built for the cookery class, with the view of providing for a class in dressmaking and adequately to furnish the same. The work of the schools was somewhat hindered by an epidemic of measles, the change of teachers, and the illness of the headmaster for a portion of the year ; yet they took a creditable place in the public examinations, as shown by the results. Boys. —University Junior Scholarship, one qualified for matriculation and Solicitors' General Knowledge ; Matriculation, Solicitors' General Knowledge and Medical Preliminary, three passed ; Matriculation and Solicitors' General Knowledge, one passed ; Matriculation, one passed ; Senior Civil Service, one partial pass ; Junior Civil Service, eleven passed, two with credit; Senior Free Place Kxamination, twelve passed ; and nineteen qualified under clause 7 (c) of the regulations ; Education Board Senior Scholarship Examination, eight passed and two received scholarships ; Education Board Junior Scholarship Examination, three passed, two receiving scholarships ; Junior Free Places, five obtained extension under clause 5 (1) and ten passed the examination : Standard VI proficiency, seven passed ; competency, two passed. Nine of the successful candidates for Junior Free Places were presented from the Junior Department and four others who passed were previously taught in this department. Qirls. —University Junior Scholarship, one passed with credit ; Matriculation and Solicitors' General Knowledge, one passed ; Junior Civil Service, ten passed, one with credit: Education Board Senior Scholarship, six passed, two receiving scholarships ; Senior Free Places, two passed and twelve qualified under clause 7 (c) ; Junior Free Places, four extended under clause 5 (1), and one passed the examinations ; proficiency certificate, five ; competency certificate, one. One candidate who passed the Junior Civil Service with credit has had her Junior National Scholarship extended for a fourth, year. The whole of the five successful candidates for the proficiency certificate and the one competency certificate were presented from the junior school. T. C. Moore, Chairman. David Stdey, Secretary. 2. Work of the Highest and Lowest Classes. 'Boys' School. Highest. —Mathematics —Geometry, Godfrey and Siddons ; algebra, Hall and Knight's Elementary, Bryan and Brigg's Middle ; trigonometry, Pendlebury : all to Junior Scholarship standard. Latin —Cicero, Philippic II ; Vergil, iEneid, IV ; Horace, Odes, I; Bradley's Arnold ; Miscellaneous sight translation and prose passages ; Wilkins's Antiquities ; Creighton's Rome : all to Junior Scholarship standard. French —Voltaire, Charles XII; Racine, Athalie ; Moliere, Le Medecin Malgre Lvi: translation at sight; Thirion, irregular verbs ; Bue's Idioms ; Blouet's Composition ; phonetic transcript ; Tutorial grammar (accidence and syntax) : all to Junior Scholarship standard. English— Mason's Senior Grammar ; Tutorial History of English Literature ; Shakespeare, Tempest and King Lear ; George Eliot, Romola ; Palgrave's Golden Treasury : all to .Junior Scholarship standard. Heat —Glasebrook, to Junior Scholarship standard. Mechanics —Tutorial Matriculation Mechanics ; Tutorial Matriculation Hydrostatics : all to Junior Scholarship standard. Chemistry—Jago's Inorganic, to Matriculation standard. Physiology—Furneaux's Human Physiology; Huxley's Elementary Physiology ; practical work with directions and microscope :to Matriculation standard. History— Tout and York, Powell's History, Pal't 111. Geography —Longmans' New Series, Books II and V ; Meiklejohn's British Empire history and geography, both to Matriculation standard. Lowest. —Mathematics —Godfrey's and Siddons's Elementary Geometry, 100 pages ; Baker and Bourne's First Algebra, 58 pages; Pendlebury's Shilling Arithmetic (all). Latin —Longmans' Latin Course, Part I, to the end of exercise 59. French—Methode Naturelle (Part I), lessons 1-40 inclusive. English —Nesfield, Outline of English Grammar (to page 97) ; Marsh, Preparatory Reading and Composition (selections) ; Poetry, Call of the Homeland (selections), Great Deeds on Land and Sea (all). Geography —Imperial Geography, Standards V and VI, to page 80 ; Southern Cross Reader, Standards V and VI, to page 122. History —A History of Great Britain (Tout), Book I, to page 188. Elementary Physical Measurements—First half of Junior Civil Service course. Book-keeping—Pitman's Primer, to page 97 ; Office Routine Copybooks, I, 11, and 111. Shorthand —Pitman's Phonographic Teacher (all). Drawing—Freehand and instrumental. Girls' School. Highest. —English —Shakespeare, King Henry V, Twelfth Night; Macaulay, Essay on Clive : Tennyson, selected poems ; Wordsworth Epoch English Literature (Stotart) ; English Essays (Cameos English Literature No. I, edited by R. Wilson) ; Scott, Old Mortality ; Nesfield, Past and Present, to end of book; Chaucer, selections from Canterbury Tales. French—Wellington College French